35. Breakfast

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Sirius and Persie fell asleep on the sofas, consequently waking up at the crack of dawn when sunlight began to filter through the windows and into their eyes.

Persie winced as she covered her eyes, before stretching and kicking Sirius in the face.

"Ow!" He groaned as he pushed himself up and rubbed his jaw, "I don't want your feet in my face again, thanks!"

She just burst into a fit of laughter as he raised an eyebrow and smirked, "This isn't funny! You literally just kicked me in the face."

"Sorry!" She giggled before he leaned forward and smacked her leg with the back of his hand, "Stop it! Someone will hear you!"

"Who cares?" She said, "We're going to have to go up there anyway and change and get books!"

Sirius' mouth pressed into a hard line and he hummed before glancing up to the stairs, "I'm going to go now. Whilst they're all asleep."

"Good idea." Persie confirmed as she pushed herself up from the sofa and they both ran up the separate stairs to the boys and girls dormitory.

Persie paused outside the door, taking a deep breath, before teasing the door open with her fingertips. She poked her head through and scanned around, making sure everyone was asleep. She padded slowly across to her bed and pried the lid of her trunk open, scooping out any books that were on top and stuffing them into her bag. She pulled it on to her shoulder before slowly lowering the lid of her trunk back down.

Getting up from her kneeling position on the stone, she hurried back to the door and turned to pull it to again. She turned to take the stairs as someone behind her spoke, "You're pathetic."

She thought to ignore them, closing her eyes tightly for a few seconds before going to take the first step and they repeated, "Didn't you hear me?! You're pathetic!"

Persie froze again, clenching her teeth as Miranda's voice went right through her.

She turned on the spot and stuck her head back into the room, whispering, "Look, I-"

Persie froze, still staring at Miranda's hardy glare, as she heard the bedsheets beside her move. She turned without looking to see if it was Lily or Ava and ran down the stairs, eyes filled with tears, as she heard Miranda shout after her, "Run away, Potter! Go away!"

Persie hit the Common Room and grabbed Sirius' arm to pull him towards the portrait hole.

"Pers, What was all that about?!" He asked, being pulled along through the hole. He stopped and her own force made her spin back to face him.

He quirked an eyebrow at her silence before she shook her head, "They all hate us, Sirius."

"They don't all hate us-" He replied flippantly before she interrupted him angrily, "You don't get it, do you?! Everyone in this castle hates us!"

"What about Lily? And Remus?! Peter-"

"Peter told everyone, Sirius!" Persie said shrilly as Sirius rolled his eyes, "Peter told James-"

"The worst person! The worst person he could have told!" She shouted in frustration as Sirius let out an exasperated sigh, "This-"

He gestured around him like all their problems lay in the space a foot around them, "Is not Peter's fault. It's mine ... and yours. So don't shout at me, because if you lose me, we'll both have no friends."

She sighed and folded her arms before screwing her mouth up, "Why have you got to be right?"

"I'm always right." He shrugged, a smirk pulling on his mouth as she rolled her eyes and walked past him, "You definitely aren't."

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