6. Hogsmeade

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Persie jogged down the steps at the front of the castle, making her way over to the group of six already sat on and stood around the fountain, which has stopped working due to the thin layer of ice beginning to form on it's surface, "Morning everyone!"

"You're happy." Remus mentioned before Persie grinned, "Of course I am. Miranda's not here."

"Don't be mean. You did, kind of, cause her eternal heartbreak." Ava commented before Persie shrugged, "Like I care."

"Care about what?" Justin asked, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing the side of her head and Persie smiled and felt her cheek flood with warmth as she blushed in happiness, "Nothing important. Trust me."

James made a retching sound as Persie reached forward and smacked him on the arm, "Shut up! Just because you're sad and lonely."

"I'm sorry if you two always touching each other makes me uncomfortable." He stated as Professor McGonagall cleared her throat, "Right all! Off we go!"

They all stood and began to walk towards the gates as Persie scoffed and followed after James, Justin's arms dropping from her waist, "James!"

"Oh Pers, he's just jealous!" Ava laughed as Sirius draped an arm over her shoulders and pulled her body in towards him. Persie pulled her coat tighter around her in annoyance as she wrinkled up her nose and continued to stroll with Justin by her side, "He's such an idiot. It's all because he fancies Lily."

"Bitching about me, Potter?" Lily asked as she popped up beside her and Remus on the other side, "Sounded like it."

"What are you two? The thought Aurors?" She asked them, looking between the two of them as Remus tried not to laugh, "Just asking a question!"

"As we can see, she's not impressed by James' comment." Justin told them as he ran his fingers through hers again and grinned, "I think it's cute when she's angry."

Persie glanced up at him and raised an eyebrow before he sighed, "But we had a conversation about me not saying that anymore."

"Nice save, Adams." She stated, as he grinned, "I need to be on my best behaviour if I'm holding out for a bag of Chocolate Frogs."

"Who said I was going to buy you a bag of Chocolate Frogs, anyway?!" She questioned, before he frowned, "You love me, so I thought-"

"You've got enough sugar in you." Persie answered with a wry smile, before he pulled her closer to his side and kissed the top of her head, "You'll be taking a bath in that river soon with your behaviour, Potter."

"Fight me and we'll see who goes in first." Persie challenged, before he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder as she screamed in surprise and Lily and Remus began to buckle with laughter, "Justin! Justin! I swear to god, if I go anywhere near that water, I will destroy you."

"How do you plan on doing that whilst swinging from my shoulder, Potter?" He laughed, as she hit him in the back, "Justin, put me down. I'm serious! Put me d-"

She'd been dropped to the floor, before she'd even finished her sentence, as she span around and noticed Miranda about three feet in front of them. She just glared sourly, before turning on her heels and running in the other direction. Lily looked between the two of them, before Persie shrugged, "I don't give a-."

"I'll go and make sure she's not done something stupid then." Lily commented, "You guys ... chill."

Lily ran off after her, before Justin's shoulders fell and he kissed the side of her head, "She'll come around."

"I doubt that very much, honey." Persie answered, before following Remus over the bridge and off towards the Three Broomsticks. The pub was already brimming with students, but the warm air inside was a nice relief from the biting wind outside. Persie scanned around, spotting James' table in a second, before she looked over at a rousing cheer and saw the Ravenclaws all sat around a different table.

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