36. Short Beginnings

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Since Remus had also been disowned by James for the time being, Persie found herself travelling home on the Hogwarts Express with only him and Sirius in her compartment. It had been the longest train journey of her life and as the trees turned into buildings, she couldn't wait to get back to London.

She jumped off the train and grabbed Sirius by the hand, "Umm, any ideas where we can Apparate out of here with everything? Dad can't come because of his leg, remember?"

"Oh right yeah." He said, before looking around the throngs of people and he pointed to a small little nook in the wall of platform nine and three quarters, "I think it's over there. The hotspot. C'mon, let's go."

They stood in the little spot as people stood around, just watching, as if they were expecting something interesting to happen if they stared for a little while.

"Take a picture! It'll last longer!" Persie shouted, before turning on the spot and picturing her house.

She landed in the back garden, slipping over on the ice and landing flat on her bum, covered in snow with her trunk just beside her, before Sirius landed perfectly on his feet as he dusted some snow off of his shoulder, "Do you want some help?"

"No, I just thought I'd lie here and be soaked to the core in freezing snow just for the fun of it." She replied sarcastically before he held out a hand to pull her up. She just stood about a foot away from him and just watched him smirk, "What?" He asked, as he threaded his hands through hers and inclined his head, "Persie..." He said warningly, before kissing her cheek and slowly moving towards her mouth.

"Nothing." She breathed, before grabbing his collar and pressing his lips to hers, "I was admiring."

"That's cute." He replied, "But can we go inside because I'm freezing." He added, before rubbing his arms. She smiled in reply, before bending to pick up her trunk and dragging it to the back door creating a track through the snow.

They dumped them on the carpet to dry off before walking through to the kitchen where Persie ran at her dad and wrapped her arms around him, "I missed you!"

"Pers! I missed you too!" He smiled before letting go of her and looking her up and down, "I think you've grown. You too, Sirius."

"Thanks, Mr Potter." Sirius grinned, "How's your December been so far?"

"Aaahh, okay, I guess. I've spent most of it at St Mungo's mind. They're trying to fix my leg with Muggle Medicine now. God knows why. That's not going to do anyone any good." He ranted before stopping himself, "Sorry."

"How's mum?" Persie asked, as she slid on to the counter top and swung her feet, not making eye contact with her father.

"Still pretty much the same. I'm sorry." He said quietly, "Although, she knows her name now, on occasion. She's also picking up background things again. I think she's just listened to other people's conversations though."

"Oh, that's good." Persie replied, "I might go and see her tomorrow. Just to say hi." She shrugged.

"I don't know if that would be okay with the hospital, Pers." He started gingerly, before she looked him straight in the eye, "Well, it'll have to be. She's my mum."

They heard a banging from the landing above them as Persie's head jolted upright and she grabbed her wand, "What the bloody hell is he doing?"

Suddenly, a black bag landed at the bottom of the stairs, shortly followed by James, "Oh good, you're here. I hope you haven't unpacked your trunk already."

"No. I've only been here five minutes, give us a chance." Sirius chuckled awkwardly, before James gave him a death glare, "Good, I suppose you'll be needing it." He said forcefully, before picking up the handles of the bag and walking towards the front door. Persie walked after him and stood at the end of the corridor, watching as James threw Sirius' stuff out on to the front lawn, "I managed to pack it all into a bag for you."

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