27. Lestrange

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A few days passed and with no break-ins at the house so far, Persie began to relax a little more on the security front. She spent most of the days doing work that was received from an owl earlier in the week but her, Sirius and James had never even tried to venture out past the garden.

Currently, Persie sat taking her notes on various forms of poison because Professor Slughorn was adamant they would be in her NEWT exam and without doing what everyone else was, she was certain to fail.

"What are you doing now?!" James asked, when she flicked the page as he leaned over the work surface, creating hand marks on the granite as he furrowed his eyebrows. She rolled her eyes in silent reply, flicking her quill again as she continued to write.

"Well, if you want to play it like that..." James trailed off walking around to the table, untying one of the pillows fastened to the wooden seats. He threw it in her direction before a sharp sizzling noise occurred and the pillow burst into blue flames, landing on the floor of the living room about a metre from Persie's wand, pointed in his direction, "So naive, Jamesy."

"What did you do that for?!" He cried, gesturing to the flaming pillow, slowly burning itself out on the wooden floor.

"It'll be fine. Just put it out with some water and it'll be as good as new." She replied, waving a hand dismissively as she turned her attention back to the thick textbook and inky parchment. James muttered something about being stubborn and stupid as he wetted the pillow with a steady stream of water.

"If that comes anywhere near me, I will kill you." Persie said, pausing her quill before the flowing noises stopped and she continued with her work.

Suddenly, the sound of shattering glass echoed throughout the silent house, causing her to look around towards the stairs which is where the noise seemed to have come from.

A few minutes passed and the eerie quiet of the house seemed to have seeped into Persie's mind. She closed her book sharply, creating a snap that echoed throughout the whole home, like somebody tearing the silence like a strip of paper.

There were a few creaks from the ceiling above her, making her look up in confusion. The room above her was the spare bedroom, which was next to Sirius', so why would James or Sirius be in there? She raised her wand, making a waving motion towards the ceiling as the floorboards melted away, leaving her to see everything going on above the living room.

Three pairs of shoes, stood on the floorboards, one pacing and two standing opposite. She noticed the shattered window to the right, which was the only thing letting in a bit of light to the otherwise dark room. It made it difficult to make out his wavy black hair.

"Regulus?" Persie choked out quietly, staring puzzledly upwards at the pair of feet, swinging their weight back and forth impatiently as he fiddled with his wand, watching the woman pace up and down.

"Please Regulus, be patient. We need to think of a way to do this properly, without getting caught. Where's the girl you keep speaking about, Reg?" The woman said, stopping her pacing as she scratched her chin.

"Lestrange ..." Persie continued, furrowing her eyebrows at the last person, with white platinum blond hair, looking slightly disgruntled by the whole situation, "Malfoy."

"Look Bella, we don't have to do this. Reg's parents only want him –"

"No, Lucius! We do as we are told, for my sister's sake! Not your own!" Bellatrix spat, silencing him immediately as he shuffled uncomfortably under her gaze, "Now, Regulus, where's the girl?"

"She hasn't got anything to do with this though, Bella." Regulus started, before she silenced him as well, giving him a cold, hard stare to try and leak the truth out of him, "She has if she's with him like what you say. But then of course, you'll be lying, yes? The Dark Lord doesn't like liars, Reg."

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