60. The Burrow

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Persie walked up to the rickety, old house on the edge of Ottery St Catchpole still drawing in breaths shakily and desperately. She's been in the middle of a panic attack for the past twenty minutes as she apparated from place to place to try and shake off her pursuers. She knocked at the door with her bloody hands from the glass cuts, before wiping the corner of her eyes with her knuckles. It swung open with a creak as Molly stood in the doorway and her eyebrows furrowed, "Persie?"

"I know you probably hate me and I don't want to be the person you want to see but I didn't know where else to go, Molly, I'm really sor-"

"Nonsense! Come inside! You look awful!" Molly remarked as she ushered her inside to the kitchen and shut the door behind her, "Sit down. I'll make you some tea."

Persie pulled a chair out from underneath the table and sat down, staring vacantly off out of the window as she took in a shaky scared breath and bit her lip nervously. She put her forehead in her broken hand and closed her eyes. Molly filled the kettle with water and let the tea brew for a second as she turned around and sighed, "I'm sorry no one's here. Arthur should be back from work soon though and the twins are sleeping. Charlie and Bill are upstairs if you-"

"No." Persie interrupted her suddenly, with a shake of the head as she pulled her sleeves over the heels of her palms, "I don't want them to see me like this."

"What's happening, Persie? Have you been in a fight?" Molly asked as she pulled out the stool next to her and Persie closed her eyes, "Not exactly."

There was a knock at the door, as Persie's head snapped up and her eyes widened with fear. She hurriedly pulled James' invisibility cloak from her back pocket and got up to go for the door into the living room, "Don't tell them, I'm here."


"Mol." She answered shortly, before giving her a pleading look, "Please."

"Molly, we need to come inside." Albus' voice came from the other side of the door as Persie ducked into the living room as she threw the cloak over her head.

"Albus ... Cornelius ... Do come in." Molly said in a slightly unsettled tone as Persie stopped and leant nearer to the door so she could hear their conversation better.

"Expecting company, Molly?" She heard Fudge ask as her hands started to tremble again and Molly spoke, "No. I just fancied a cup of tea if that's alright with you? Not breaking the law, am I?"

"No, of course not." He mumbled under his breath as Persie heard them draw out two chairs with a screech and take a seat, "Just a flying visit, Molly."

"Can I ask why? It's not Arthur, is it?" She asked, before Persie heard Dumbledore chuckle to himself, "No, Molly. He's fine. In fact-"

"I'm back!" Arthur cried as he stepped in the door and Persie pursed her lips and shut her eyes in dismay, "Oh, Minister ... Professor ... I wasn't expecting you. Is everything alright?"

"Perfectly fine, Arthur." Dumbledore assured him, "We are just looking for Persephone."

"What? Why?" Arthur asked in shock before Molly added, "I thought she was still at the hospital."

"She was until this morning." Fudge said bitterly as Persie heard him stand up from his chair and she stumbled away from the door, "She did a runner and left two of my Aurors completely knocked out!"

"That's not completely fair, is it, Cornelius?" Albus replied in a blunter tone before the Minister pushed the chair back underneath the table, "Is she here or not, Molly? We've been looking all day and can't find her anywhere. Can't trace her without a wand. Seems like she's been apparating around all day. One of my aurors managed to smash a window trying to get to her."

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