59. Freefall

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Persie didn't move from her chair for a couple of days having friends, healers and aurors come and go for a solid 48 hours. The morning of the third day rolled around and the familiar throb in her ribs came back as she tried to regain some feeling in her legs by moving them to her right side.

"You look a lot brighter this morning, Persephone." The Healer said as he entered the room with his sidekick in tow and she smiled weakly, "Thank you for bullshitting but you used brighter yesterday morning."

"Well, then you look like you don't need that extra oxygen anymore then." He tried again as she sighed and glanced up at him, "So, I can go home?"

"Yep. Is that alright with you?" He said, as she turned her head away from him, "That's fine. But we both know I'm not going anywhere."

"That's alright with me, but I don't think my opinion is the one that matters." He commented as his second in command strolled behind Persie and began to unhook her oxygen tank from the wall.

"I'm assuming the night went well." The Healer asked as he scanned over Sirius' file again and then glanced up to his heart monitor, before Persie shrugged, "No change. As usual."

"You can take the tubes out now, Miss." The second Healer said, as Persie hooked her fingers around the tubes and took them out of her nose. She scrunched it around a little as she handed them back to the man and scratched the end of her nose, "It feels weird. That normal?"

"Very. You have got used to having them in so it's your brain's way of feeling like you need them back." He informed her as she nodded, "Good."

He waved his wand towards her before watching a number flash up in front of him, "Your blood pressure looks fine. We will be back in a few hours."

"Thanks." She smiled before he stuck his head back inside of the room, "Before I forget, you have some visitors. Would you like me to let them in?"

"If they're Aurors then no, but if they're young teenage looking people then yeah." Persie replied as she crossed her legs in her chair and shuffled a bit closer to Sirius, "Let's hope it's the latter."

"SURPRISE!" A shout came from the door as Persie whipped her head to the side and found four people stood there waving out their hands as they all grinned cheekily.

"Oh god. You lot again? I feel like I have my own stalkers." Persie mentioned as they all pulled up chairs or perched themselves on windowsills and shelves as James wrapped an arm around her shoulders, "Can't get rid of us that easily, Pers. Surely you know that by now."

"Hey, she's not all tubey anymore!" Lily exclaimed as she grinned widely and Persie smiled back, "Yes, yes. My lips have returned to a normal colour and I am no longer requiring extra oxygen, please please, thank me for my miraculous recovery later."

"Taking it your ribs are still a mess though?" James asked as he sat herself next to her and she shrugged, "Absolutely and completely fucked, Jamesy. But not much we can do about that now. Seriously though, why are you here?"

"Trelawney saw it in our stars and sent us here against our wishes." Peter suggested before Remus cracked a grin at him and shook his head, "McGonagall said, and I quote, that you had a face like milk gone sour. So we came to check it out."

"Did you bring food?" Persie asked, before Lily reached into her bag and through her a packet of Fizzing Whizzbees, Pink Coconut Cubes, crystallised pineapple and a Chocolate Frog, "Best I could do on one illegal trip to Hogsmeade."

"Ah, come off it Evans. It was hardly illegal. We never stole anything!" James insisted before she frowned, "We broke school rules and if that's not illegal, I don't know what is."

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