19. Chickens Wings.

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Persie felt Madam Pomfrey shuffle her head on her pillow as she groaned in discomfort and she moved her hand up to try and push her off, "It hurts."

"Get used to it, Potter. You've had a battering." Madam Pomfrey mentioned, taking the bowl of water on her side and walking it back towards her room in the corner of the Hospital Wing, "What happened to me?"

"I think Professor Dumbledore would like to discuss that with you in private before anything else." She told her, as she sat upright suddenly and winced, sinking back down into her bed, "So, I can't see my brother?"

"Not for the moment." Madam Pomfrey said, giving her a sorry look, "Apologies, Potter. It's his word, not mine. I think he and Professor McGonagall were waiting outside."

Persie yawned, rubbing her eyes as Madam Pomfrey left the room for a second. She noted the bandages over her left arm and the tightness in her side, restricted her movement significantly as she tried to reach back and touch the back of her head. No blood any more. No bandages. Dittany, most likely.

The three teachers returned as she pushed herself further up the bed and propped herself up on the pillow, giving out a sigh in fatigue and relaxing her shoulders slightly.

"I'll give you some privacy." Madam Pomfrey muttered as she scurried back to her office and shut the door hurriedly, causing Persie to look up at Dumbledore, "Please don't expel him."

"Who?" He asked, before Persie shook her head and winced as she felt her brain rattle about in her skull, "I know it was him. I remember. I won't tell anyone, I swear! Just don't expel him!"

"Persephone, take a deep breath." McGonagall instructed as she did as she was told before flicking her eyes between the two teachers, "We can assure you Mr Lupin will not be leaving these grounds at any time soon."

Persie relaxed slightly, letting out a breath of relief, before Albus smiled, "It is nice to see you sticking up for your friend. But I hope you realise we aren't taking this situation lightly. Madam Pomfrey has addressed both of us on the seriousness of your injuries. You are incredibly fortunate of a lack of ... side effects."

"It was my fault." Persie said suddenly, "I took them down there. It was my idea."

"As courageous as that is of you to admit that, Persephone, it is also rather idiotic." McGonagall mentioned as she pursed her lips, "Only we spoke to the other students and one of them said exactly the same thing."

"Lily?" Persie guessed with a grimace as Dumbledore shook his head, "A certain Sirius Black, actually Persephone."

Persie's face dropped again, "You haven't expelled him, have you?! He didn't do anything, I swear-"

"Again. His time at the school remains the same as everyone else's." Dumbledore informed her, "All of you will be serving some form of detention for your actions, however."

Persie nodded in acceptance as she glanced up at the door and noticed a head poke inside as the door creaked open.

"I'll come back later." Sirius muttered as he began to shrink back into the corridor, and Professor McGonagall sighed, "You may as well stay, Mr Black. If you're refusing to go to your lesson, I don't see the additional harm."

"Lesson?!" Persie asked in surprise, "Jesus, what's the time?!"

"Time you got out of bed, you lazy cow." Sirius remarked as he strolled down the central walkway and pulled up a chair to sit to the side of her and Professor McGonagall gave him a look of being thoroughly unimpressed, "I will return later to tell you some more up to date information, Potter. Consider yourself very lucky."

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