63. Home Sweet Home

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Persie read the letter about ten times a day for four days straight after the aftermath of her trial began to die down. People kept visiting the house after realising she was living there alone for the next few months. She received only one letter, from Lily, on the third day which read,

Dear Persie,

I cannot stress to you through words how much I think going to see Eloise would be a bad idea.

I know you're still thinking of going without me because I've known you for too long.

I don't want you to get into more shit than you already are so please, please, do not go.

I love you too much to see you get hurt again,

Love Lily

(And James and Remus and Peter)

Persie proceeded to fold the letter back up and leave it on her bedroom side, making a note to thank Lily for reminding her about Eloise.

"What was in that letter?" Molly asked from the kitchen as Persie slid back out into the hall, attempting to be quiet, "Nothing. It was just from Lily."

"Aw, how sweet." She mentioned as Persie took a seat at the breakfast bar and began to pick at a cookie Molly had made earlier, "Whatcha cooking?"

"Dinner." She replied, as she flicked her wand at a pot so it began to stir itself, "What are you making for dinner?"

"That is a surprise." Molly said as Persie rolled her eyes and leant backwards on her chair, "Charlie!"

"Yeah?!" He replied from the living room, "What's your mum cooking for dinner?!"

"She's making it up, I think!" He answered as she sat forward on her chair again, "Was that so hard?"

"He always gives me up." Molly frowned as she leaned on the other side of the breakfast bar, "So, tell me."

"Tell you what?" Persie replied as she raised an eyebrow and Molly gave her a look, "What was really in that letter?"

"I told you, didn't I?" She answered, as Persie slid off the stool and walked into the living room, before Molly followed her, "You said nothing. And Lily would not have sent you a blank piece of paper."

"Does it matter?" Persie asked as she picked Percy up from his path to the fireplace and turned him around so he went for the sofa instead.

"Yes. Because I feel like you are planning something that could get you in trouble." Molly revealed as she crossed her arms and Persie gave her a look, "When have you ever known me to get in trouble, Mol?"

"I hope you're being sarcastic because one hundred and one things are popping into my head right now." She replied as Persie smiled and waved her wand at the sofa so Percy began to float up on to the cushions and climb around on top of it, " I'm starting to think you spend too much time with me, Molly."

"Ahh, you might be playing coy now, Persephone. But don't think I won't get it out of you later." She sung as she turned back around and went back to the kitchen, "Sure you will, Mol!"

There was a smash from the front door as Persie stepped out into the kitchen area and held her wand pointed towards the Entrance Hall before Dumbledore and Alastor stormed inside, "Jesus! What are you doing?!" Persie cried shrilly, as Dumbledore shook his head, "Alastor, Molly, get the children."

"What's going on?" Persie asked as Molly rushed upstairs and Alastor took the living room, "Albus-"

"Ava went missing from the hospital last night." He said under his breath as Persie mouth dropped in shock and she shook her head, "That's impossible. No one's ever broken into St Mungo's before."

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