49. Practice Makes Perfect

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Around a fortnight passed before the grounds of Hogwarts began to warm up again. Term had only just begun as Persie and Lily made their way through the corridors and up towards the Defence Against the Dark Arts classrooms. She hadn't particularly spoken to Sirius, not that she'd wanted to. He'd spent a majority of his time with Eloise recently.

"I've already had a visit from Charlie saying he wants to move house. Turned up at Headquarters looking for me with a toothbrush and a clean shirt. He thinks Fred is too loud. He likes George though because apparently one time when he laughed, a bubble came out of his mouth." Persie smiled as Lily laughed, "Have you broke the news to him yet?"

"What? That I'm going to be the twins' godmother and not his? God no. Molly wanted me to be his but obviously he already has two - well, one now." She replied as Lily backed into the classroom that was deadly silent as Professor Corner stood in the middle of a long platform at the side of room, "You're late, girls."

"Sorry, Professor." They both mumbled before he continued with what he was saying, "As I was saying, today we will be learning the art of duelling in a winner stays on ruling. I thought this would ease you back into the term without too much learning to be done but in turn, putting your skills to practice. So, would anyone like to volunteer to go first?"

Everyone stood still and took a solid step back from where he was stood before the Professor clasped his hands together and took a slight sigh, "Right so, let's start with ..." He contemplated as his eyes scanned around the room, "Lexie."

'Worst in the class', Persie thought, as Lexie took her place up beside Professor Corner and picked at her nails as he continued to look around, "And Ned."

The ginger boy walked up slowly and gulped as Professor Corner met them in the centre of the platform and addressed them on what to do.

"So, he picked the weak ones." Lily whispered to Persie make her snort as she tried to hold in her laughter and fell into her shoulder.

About half an hour passed, and people were now beginning to choose their own opponents, obviously picking people that were the worst that hadn't already been beaten yet. The person who'd just been up there had stayed on for three rounds before being defeated by a curly haired Hufflepuff girl, who Persie only knew through the 'I'm Lily Evan's new best friend' fiasco.

"Right, Leah. Who's going to be your dueller?" Professor Corner asked as he clasped his hands together and she pointed directly over towards Lily and Persie, "I want Potter."

"A lot of people do!" Someone shouted from the crowd of students, prompting a murmur of laughter before Persie brought her wand out from her robes, "What can I say? I'm in high demand."

"Just get up here, Potter!" Professor Corner said as he jerked a thumb over to where Leah was stood and Persie climbed the stairs on to the platform. Leah face was hard and cold and she had no idea why she looked so pissed off.

"Are we having Seconds?" Persie asked before Leah whined, "I don't need a Second. Hurry up, Potter."

"Really? Are you sure?" Persie checked as Leah stayed stony still and Persie shrugged in reply, "Whatever you say."

They walked to the ends of the platform, before bowing to each other and a spell hit Leah square in the chest and made her stumble backwards a little.

"Can I go now?" Persie asked Professor Corner as she blocked one of Leah's spells and raised her eyebrows at the Professor before he waved her off, "No, Miss Potter. You will participate like every other student in my classroom."

She rolled her eyes before turning back to Leah and sending a spell straight into her head which caused her to flip over and land on her back with a thud as she dropped her wand to the floor with a clatter and groaned.

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