56. Danger Danger

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Persie felt her eyes open a little as the fuzzy white world around her slowly appeared from behind her eyelids. The soft beeping of the heart monitor beside her had woken her up a little bit and the tubes in her nose were a little uncomfortable as they blew air up periodically, giving her the sudden urge to sneeze, "James."

Whoever was sat in the chair next to her was obviously startled by her sudden movement, as she heard the newspaper crumple before they shuffled the seat closer and she lulled her head over to the side where she thought they were sat, "James. Where's James?"

"James is fine, Persephone." Dumbledore's voice replied soothingly, before she felt her body relax but her face become harder at the sound of his voice. She was meant to be angry with him, but she couldn't remember why. She tried to push herself up to sit on her bed straight but winced a little at the pain and only managed to move upwards a few centimetres, "I feel like someone is sitting on my lung."

"That's because you punctured it and it collapsed." Dumbledore informed her, before her face dropped, "What?"

"You went blue for a few minutes. It was quite frightening." He commented with a small chuckle before observing her serious face and correcting himself before she spoke, "Can I not see him?"

"James?" He asked, before she nodded meekly, "James. Sirius. Alastor. My dad. Is he not here? I would expect him to be climbing the walls by now." She mentioned, breaking into a weak smile before she glanced up at Albus and noticed his worried expression, "What?"

"Nothing. You need to focus on getting better." He replied, before she heard a crack beside her and turned to find a split running down the side of the empty glass on her bedside table, "Was that me?"

"I assume so, because it wasn't me." Dumbledore said, as he folded his hands together and she glanced up at him worriedly, "I didn't know it was that reliant on my subconscious."

"Yes. That's something else we should discuss before you see anyone else." He said, as he pushed his glasses up his nose and Persie raised an eyebrow, "Are you saying I can't see anyone?"

"I am saying, I am here because the Healers thought it would be a danger to visitors if anyone else filled you in." He told her, before her face dropped, "Oh ... Fill me in on what exactly?"

"Well, everything that's happened whilst you've been gone would be a start." He suggested before she nodded a few times, "Urm .. How- How long have I been out?"

"It's been a few days. It's the fifteenth now." He filled her in as he put the newspaper he had been reading on her bedside table and she scanned over the headlines. Nothing out of the ordinary. But still nothing about the Order. Not that she was surprised.

"James keeps coming to ask to see you." He mentioned, before she glanced up at his name, "Is he back at school yet?"

"Yes. He travelled back with Minerva and Lily yesterday. I suspect he will find his ways to get back here tonight though." He commented, before Persie furrowed her eyebrows, "Well, can my Dad not fill him in? You know, by Owl or something."

"I'm afraid not. Now before I tell you this I want you to think about what you're doing around you, Persephone. I don't want anyone else getting hurt." Dumbledore said as she took as regular breaths as her chest allowed to try and control how much damage she was inevitably going to cause to the room, "Anyone else? Who-"

"Don't worry. They are fine now. The two Healers that first bought you in, you managed to knock them out in some form. They wouldn't tell me how but you did ... whilst you were unconscious." He said, as she heard the beeps on her heart monitor increase, "What?"

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