3. Potions

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The sun poured in through the open windows and the noise of someone slamming the bathroom door woke Persie. She turned over to find something sharp stabbing into her cheek like the corner of an envelope. Scrambling upwards, she yanked the envelope she'd forgotten to open out from under pillow before crawling to the end of her bed and sticking it into her trunk.

"What are you doing Pers?" Lily asked, walking back out of the bathroom and doing a double take at the girl sprawled across her bed the wrong way up with one hand in her trunk.

"Nothing. Why?" Persie finished quickly, sitting up on her bed and hopping off. She went into the bathroom, brushed her teeth and washed her face before coming out and getting dressed and walking down into the common room with Lily, Ava and Miranda.

"I think I'm going to stay here and wait for Sirius." Ava smiled, sitting herself down on the armchair next to the entrance to the boy's dorms and staring in a lovesick fashion into thin air.

"Well, we'll see you two love birds down there." Lily said, shooting her a grin before climbing out of the portrait hole and heading down to breakfast.

They sat down near the end of the table, and got themselves toast and eggs, before Professor McGonagall came trotting along with their new timetables, a stack the size of a small cauldron balanced in her arms.

"Here you are girls. Oh and Potter, can you give James' to him? And his friend's ones. Evans give this one to Williamson." She said, handing Persie five timetables, Miranda her own and Lily hers and Ava's.

"Brilliant, I'm in all of James classes today, tomorrow and Friday." Persephone said, examining the two timetables side by side as she frowned.

"Well, at least we're together in pretty much everything." Lily smiled over looking at her own timetable, "And Ava."

"Yeah but we have a shitty day today anyway." Persie sighed, scanning over her Tuesday again. Charms, Double Potions, Lunch, Transfiguration, Herbology.

"Oh come on! We have Double Potions? That's good!" Lily beamed, looking across at Persie who was pulling a funny face.

"You are kidding me, right? At least you're part of the Slug Club. The only good lesson we have today is Charms. Sometimes I wonder why I bothered taking Potions for NEWT level. I only just passed OWL." Persie remarked, gesturing at her timetable.

"Hey, look! We have our first Quidditch match against the Ravenclaw's in October! And Quidditch tryouts are in three days. We should go and watch!" Miranda exclaimed, clapping her hands together.

"That could work. I'm sure Ava would want to go and watch Sirius." Lily shrugged, pushing her timetable to the side and taking another bite out of her toast.

"I wouldn't mind going to watch Jamesie. Fingers crossed he falls off." Persie replied, scanning over the dates in the year once more.

"I just want to go to see Justin play." Miranda gushed, fluttering her eyelashes over at the Ravenclaw table where he was sat with his mates and a bunch of girls piled around him. Persie rolled her eyes as she swapped the timetables in front of her and began to look over Remus' again.

"New timetables?" James startled Persie by reaching over her shoulder and grabbing his from the top of the pile that lay next to hers as she kept her eyes down.

"I'm with you every lesson, today, tomorrow and Friday." She said glumly, finishing her toast and wiping her hands, "Remus, Peter and Sirius." She finished, handing them all their timetables and smiling at each of them.

"Not looking forward to today." James said, piling everything in his sights on to his plate.

"One, because of the lessons or because I'm in them? And two, would you like any more food James?" Persie asked, gesturing to the amount on his plate.

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