53. Hogsmeade 2.0

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Persie hopped down the stairs as she twiddled her wand in her fingers and came to rest in the Common Room, taking a seat by the fire as she waited for Remus. She amused herself by putting her wand down and attempting to move the candles on the mantlepiece with her thoughts, until she overcooked one and it fell to the floor with a crack and fell to pieces.

"Shit." She said to herself, before flicking her wand in it's direction so it glued itself back together and moved back to it's place on the shelf.

"What're you doing?" Sirius asked suddenly, making her jump almost a foot in the air as she looked behind her and found him leaning on the back of the sofa.

"Having a bath, what does it look like I'm doing?" She replied, before he raised his eyebrows and flicked his eyes over to the candle, "Candles don't grow legs and move themselves, Pers."

"So, I was moving the candle? Why does that bother you?" Persie said, "Do you love the candle? Would you not like it if I hurt the candle? Did I hurt the candle's feelings?"

"If this is about Eloise-" Sirius started, his tongue pressed against his cheek in frustration, before Persie furrowed her eyebrows, "Did I mention Eloise?"

"No, but-"

"No. Exactly. So, it doesn't concern you then, does it?" Persie told him, as she stretched her legs out along the length of the sofa she sat on and summoned a book from the book shelf across the room, opening it to a random page and pretending to read it. She assumed Sirius had finally left her, before the familar shallow panting and smell fanned out across the room and she smiled to herself, "I know what you're doing..."

She heard his paws thud across the carpet, before his hot breath fanned out across her arm and she lowered the book to narrow her eyes at him, "Stop. It. You know I prefer you in dog form."

Persie could almost see him grinning as his furry head nudged into her arm, "Sirius, stop it! Or someone will notice!"

He replied by barking and jumping on to her stomach, to lay down and almost suffocate her, "You need a bath! One day I am going to wash you so hard that you will never smell again. I hope you get fleas, Sirius Black!"

"Am I interrupting?" Remus stated from the door up to the boys dormitory as Sirius looked up and over the back of the sofa and slid on to the floor, transforming back into himself as Persie sat up and jumped over the back of the sofa, to see Remus, "No. Not at all. Ready to go?"

"Yeah," He said warily as he glanced back over to Sirius, "Yeah. Let's go."

"You smell different." Persie suddenly mentioned, as she leaned further towards him and smelt the air again, "Good different?"

"Yeah. Weird but ... yeah." Persie mentioned before shaking her head as they left the Common Room. Sirius stood, and watched where they'd just left, his brain whirring as he tried to figure out what he thought was wrong with the whole situation. It took a few seconds, but his eyes eventually widened before he took a step back and almost fell over the end of the sofa, "Oh my god! Oh my god!"

"Sirius, what are you even doing?" Lily asked tiredly, as she appeared at the bottom of the stairs and Sirius uprighted himself and pointed between her and the door, "Remus! Pers! Remus!"

"Yes, Sirius. Remus, Persie, what is wrong with you today?!" She inquired, narrowing her eyes at him as she took a few steps forward.

"You know, don't you?!" Sirius realised as he pointed at Lily and she looked at him as if he'd been hit on the head with a rock, "Know what?"

"Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't anyone tell me?" He asked, turning his finger back at himself before he put a hand to his head, "Oh my god! Oh my god! This is so weird! Remus can't like anyone that's ... weird!"

Black // MaraudersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora