Chapter 43: The End.

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Third Person P.O.V

*** 3 Months Later ***

It's been a while since that night, three months to be exact.

Everything is back to normal now.

Andy's all healed up and walking. Her therapy is almost done than, she could slowly start focusing on her dancing again.

Since they were able to Andy and Adam couldn't take their hands off each other. And who can blame them. They both deserve, want and needed it after everything they've been through.

Maddie's baby is healthy and growing and we were so relieved after we found that out. Her baby bump is starting to show a little and it's cute, even though she's self conscious about it.

After everything was established for the court case, John flew us out to New York to take part in the case. Mark's parents refused to believe the accusations at first but after two months of evidence being shown, testimonials being taken and unexpected people stepping forward for what he did to them too. He eventually just pleaded guilty because there was too much evidence against him and his lawyer thought it would be his best bet.

He was sentenced to three years in prison and with two years probation afterwards, next to a few months community service whilst on probation. It's long enough for him to hopefully change his ways and learn to love and accept women when they say no.

He's going to finish the rest of his school year in jail and could maybe apply to some universities since he lost his current scholarship due to the events that took place. The university didn't want to be associated with someone like him.

Adam told Andy the day after that night, about his scholarship and she was completely ecstatic and happily overwhelmed for Adam. He thought it would be more respectful towards Andy's feelings - considering what she just went through to tell her the next day. Her well-being was his priority and he wanted to tell her when she was in a better mood or at least wait a day before telling her just to make sure she was okay and he wasn't sounding too selfish or somewhat self centered. She appreciated his thought but wished he told her sooner.

Everyone had a little celebration in honor of them winning and Adam getting his scholarship.

Everyone was happy and healthy and back to normal. Andy finally met Olivia and Jasmine and it was like they clicked instantly. The five girls have gotten extremely close.

Stephen and Carson are head over heels for their ladies and can't get enough of them. They are enjoying the commitment more than the messing around which means they are maturing and seeing that one person can matter more than a million.

Only thing everyone is worried and excited about is starting college and moving out.

Jack and Maddie are getting more and more excited out their baby arriving and growing. Jack's work is already set up for him as soon as he graduates from school.

Everyone had been through a lot and have grown so much.

They are ready to take on the world and it's challenges as they come because they have overcome obstacles that have made them stronger than they'll ever be...

The End.


Thank you guys for reading I hope you enjoyed it!

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