Chapter 34: That Was My Dad's Car.

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Adam and I are on our way back home.

"Are you okay, babe?" He asks me and I shrug, "I just don't know how my dad always finds a way to ruin my happiness." I say to him.

"I don't know what to tell you except that you need to learn to stop making others happy and start focusing on the stuff that makes you happy." He says to me and I nod.

"That's what I'm trying to do now. I've been through a lot of shit since I got here but the friends I made and you... Especially you..." I say and touch his thigh. "You've made me feel so loved and appreciated and protected and if it turns out that I'm going back on Monday I want you to know I love you and you'll always have my heart." I say to him and he stops the car and I look and we're here.

It's time to go face my dad.

He takes my hand and I look him. He wipes the tears off my face and places his hands on my face so I can't look away.

"Don't talk like that. We'll get through this and you're not going to Italy. I'm not going to let your dad rob you from your happiness again and if it doesn't work and you go back to Italy I'll video call you every single day a million times a day and text you every second I get because even if you're on the other side of the world I'll never give up on you. So let's get inside and get this over with so I can have my happy, loving girlfriend by my side when we win the finals." He says with a smile and kisses me very gently.

"I really hope so. I love you so much and I really don't want to lose you." I say to him. "I love you even more and you'll never lose me." He says and I smile. "And you'll never lose me." I say to him and we share another kiss.

"You ready for this, babe?" He asks me as we unbuckle and get out of the car.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I say to him and we close the doors and walk to the front door.

"I can't believe I'm this nervous to see my own parents." I say as I take a breath. I suddenly feel Adam's hand in mine. "I'm here. We'll get through this." He says as he kisses my hand. He opens the door for me and we walk in.

He closes the door behind us and we walk further into the house. Eventually seeing that everyone is outside - My uncle and dad are barbecuing. Everyone else just outside, sitting together. Enjoying each other and all were gonna do is ruin the mood.

We walk outside to them and as soon as they see us they all go quiet.

"Hi." Is all I manage to get out. "Hi, how's everyone doing?" Adam asks politely as he let's go of my hand to greet everyone.

"That stunt you pulled yesterday was unbelievable!" Is the first thing that comes out of my dad's mouth. "And now you have the decency to bring him into this house?!" My dad asks angrily.

"Andrew, calm down." My mom says as she stands up. "He is welcome in our house and he always will be." Athena says as she stands up too.

"Are you really going to support their relationship?" My dad asks my mom and she nods. "Yes because there's no reason not to. He's a hardworking, handsome and polite young man who respects our daughter and loves her for all the right reasons." My mom says.

"Thank you, Jane. I appreciate your support and yours too Athena. It's my turn to talk now." He says as he walks up to my dad.

"And what are you going to say?" My dad asks him.

"Everything you need to hear." He says to my dad. A part of me wants to stop him but a part of me wants to hear what he has to say.

"Oh really?" My dad asks him.

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