I'm no man... sort of (Part 1)

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[I'm no man... sort of]

"Dude! Come play a match in the fields." Louis said fist pumping your shoulder.

"I-I gotta go shower first. Sorry mate." You said in a deep voice as smoke blew across your face. Coughing up harshly and looking over, you saw Zayn starting a new cigarette.

"Such a pussy."

"Shut up!" You yelled regaining yourself. "Well, catch you lads later!" They nodded and walked towards the doors at the end of the hall heading to the field as you paced upstairs.

'Need a shower. Smell like man. NEED A SHOWER! SMELL LIKE MAN!'

Getting to your room door, you ran in and over to your briefcase. Pants, boxers, baggy shirt and thick bandage. Perfect.

You looked at the small mirror hanging beside Niall's bed and went over checking your face.

Wigs ok. Fake sideburns still in place. You sighed in relief as you stepped back. It still never really occurred to you how in the world you would pull this off. Being a guy wasn't easy and you thought your scrawniness would have given yourself away. But you soon learned that there are some other boys at this boy college who were more scrawny than you.

It's still an impossible concept to grasp at how you got here in the first place.

"What are you doing?" You screamed and stumbled back to see Niall looking at you with a raised eyebrow, arms crossed against his chest.

"N-nothing." You spoke deeper this time before pushing past him.

"I thought you were going for a shower."

"I was!" Grabbing your clothes and well hidden bandage, you made your way towards the room's bathroom door. Well, that was before Niall stood in front of it. "What are you doing?" You asked as he looked you up and down with a plain face.

"Get dressed out here." He spoke as your eyes widened.

"D-dude. No way!"

"We're both guys right? What's the problem?" You had to think of a lie and quick.

"I, uh... m-my penis might be to small!" Really (Y/N)?! That is the shittiest cover up you had ever heard.

"Your penis?" Niall questioned stepping towards you.

"Y-yeah." Niall smirked and instantly grabbed between your legs as you yelled out, pushing him off.

Niall blinked back at your crotch before narrowing his eyes at your face.

"Where the fuck is it?"

SHOUTOUT TO xxCuddlesxx!!!

Go check out her Niall Horan book 'Accidents happen'. I've read about 5 chapters and I LOVE IT!

Do it or you'll never be allowed to masturbate to meh smut again.

. <--(Steve)

KIDDING! but seriously though, go check the chic out yeah?

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