He will carry on

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[He will carry on]

"Now performing, Niall Horan!" The principal addressed to the audience as they clapped. Niall walked onto the stage and you smiled at him. He'd been talking about how excited he was to be performing at the school's talent quest for weeks on end. But here he is. Happy as ever. And you being his friend, told him you'd be there to watch him.

He came to the microphone stand and looked around at the small stage set up on the school grounds outside. The gym had some renovations being put through so the next best option was out here.

Niall scoured his eyes over the crowd and smiled when he saw you in the front row. He gave a small nervous wave which you returned. Clearing his throat, the music began to play and he joined in with his voice.

It wasn't the most perfect voice. But the fact that he stood up and is still singing after all the stage fright he overcame, it adds up for it.

You felt a drop on your shoulder and looked around to see nobody had moved. So you had guessed that rules out someone flicking you with water. Another droplet came followed by another making you look up. The sky had dulled and more droplets came down in a small mass.

You looked around to see people whisper as the rain grew down further and harder. Now it was at a time where people began to retreat for cover. You sat watching Niall continue his singing. Becoming as drenched as much as you.

Pouring down, you sat smiling at Niall and how oblivious he was to the rain. It was truly a sight to see.

When the music cued to a stop, he came back from wherever he was and realized you were the only one there.

"I wasn't that bad was I?" He joked, nervousness laced in his voice. You shook your head smiling as he jumped off the stage and ran to you. "Come on, let's get to undercover!" You nodded as you both ran finally joining everybody else.

Tired. Sleep. Love you. Niall's penis. Nouislicker out.

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