Experiment (Part 2)

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You flinched feeling a pain in your arm. But was it real? Or was it your imagination deciding to trick you out of reality?

A low mumble was heard and your eyelids began to physically move before your eyes opened gradually. Everything surrounding you was dark and cold. Except for the thing you were lying on.

"W-wha..." Your voice slurred as you slowly came too. A warmth was felt against your forehead as you lifted your gaze.

There was an arm. An arm above your face. And a hand on your forehead. But it had a large scratch run from the wrist up to its elbow.

Suddenly, memories came flooding back of why you were unconscious in the first place. Your first reaction led you to shove the hand away before turning yourself the opposite direction.

Though that decision quickly backfired as you found yourself now against cold hard floor. Your body ignited the pain you felt on every inch of skin as you hissed balling your fists.

"Be careful." You heard an unrecognizable voice and felt yourself being picked up from your underarms.

"W-who... a-are-"

"It doesn't matter. What matters is you. Are you alright?" You were sat back on the comfort earlier and nodded putting a hand to your forehead.

"Fine." It went into complete silence.

"Why were you chasing me?" Your eyes flung up and widened at the person that had asked that. Or more rather, the experiment.

Without thinking, you snatched a knife from your pants and lunged forward. You were both brought to the ground and your knife stabbed the floor beside his head making you growl.

Hands snatched your wrists and you then found yourself underneath him. With your knife to your throat.

"Please. I don't want to hurt you." He muttered as you shook your head and kneed his stomach.

"I'm trained to think otherwise." Your hands fisted his hair and pulled him up as your feet threw him over you. He quickly regained himself and caught your flying fists.

"Just-can we tall about this?!"

"Talk?" You laughed dryly. "I'm supposed to kill you!" His eyes widened before he lifted you up and threw you across the dark room and against the wall.

You whimpered sliding down to the floor and tried recomposing yourself.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. But you threatened to kill me." He knelt in front of you, frowning down at your figure.

"Well you'll have to keep hurting me then because I won't stop until your blood runs cold!" You hissed.

"Then I'll have to tie you up." He shrugged as you rolled your eyes.

"What? To a chair?" You challenged as he looked at you with a quirked eyebrow, considering it.

Oh no.

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now