Experiment (Part 4)

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You both drove in silence through the quiet road. The clock on the dashboard telling you that it was approaching dawn fast.

Glancing over at Niall, you remembered back to him beginning the car an hour or two ago.

. . .

"How are you going to turn it on? You don't even have a key!" Niall just smiled and blew his finger before pointing it at the ignition. A spark flew from his finger making you flinch back.

More sparks flew until the energy was a visible line coming from him to the car. It wasn't long before the engine rumbled and the car had come to life.

. . .

"Your name." You muttered looking over at him.

"Sorry, can you repeat that?" Niall said looking between you and the road.

"What's your name? I never got it." You asked as he blinked back before smiling to himself.

"You're the first person who's asked for my name."

"Really?" You breathed. Surely you can't be the first one. Right?

"Yeah. People decide to try and slaughter me the first time they see me. Whatever happened to simple Hello's?" You couldn't help but crack a smile though you tried to hide it by looking out the window. "Which gets me to ask; why haven't you tried to kill me?"

"What?" He shrugged tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.

"You're not trying to kill me. Right now. Why?"

"Would you like me too?" He frantically shook his head and you couldn't help but laugh. He slowly joined in until you both found yourselves laughing hysterically.

"W-what are we laughing a-at?!"

"I-I don't know!" You threw your head back and wiped your watery eyes.


The car then suddenly began to putt along as you both stopped laughing.

"Looks like we've run out of fuel." The car came to a stop as you looked at Niall in disbelief.

"You said we had a full tank!"

"W-we did!" Coming to a stop, you growled getting out of the car and slamming the door. You should just stop fucking around and do what you have to do. "There might be some spare in the back."

He came around to your side and you took your knife from your pocket. Stopping, he put his hands up by his head as you narrowed your eyes.

"I should just kill you."

"Trust me, you've tried. But it won't work. It won't work because you don't know what I'm capable of."

You shook your head and came at him. His eyes narrowed as he dodged your attack and took your arm in his hold. Before you couldn't contemplate what was happening, you were slammed against the hood of the car.

"I don't want to hurt you!" He hit your hand on the car until the knife finally escaped your hold and slid onto the ground.

"W-why can't I just kill you?!" You yelled frustrated as he sighed

"I'm sorry." That was the last thing you heard before a numbness hit the back of your head.

Niall Horan ImaginesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum