Please Understand

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Hey kittens,

Just updating this book (because nobody ever reads my profile) to say that I'm taking a break for awhile.

The pressure of becoming a school leader next year is insane; and my teachers never seemed satisfied with my work.

So I need to step up and make that my priority.

I'm sorry for the people who constantly want me to update. I have a few little chapters off some books I will update but other than that, I'm taking a step back.

Everything seems so bundled and fucked up right now. My life is just... well, let's just say you're lucky you're not me.

Anyway, hope to come back on soon. I don't know how long I'll be gone so please don't ask.

If I haven't written an imagine you wanted or responded to inbox then I'm sorry in advance.

I love my readers and fans very much. Thanks for dealing with this fucker (me).

Mummy Nouis xxx

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