(Author Update)

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Hey guys! Just an author update. Sorry...

Ok, so I was thinking... I wanna spice things up a little. So I have an idea.

With this book, I was thinking I'd try a new story on this account. I don't know what story though. That's completely up to you.

But every time I at least gain 10 votes a story with 6 comments on a Niall imagine, I will update on my new story.

I just wanna add a story on this account and I wanted to see how keen you were on that.

So, how about we talk about that story? Alright, so comment below an idea you'd like me to write a story about. These are some story summary examples! :)


1: He was the boy nobody liked. Nobody wanted. Everyone despised. He was different you could say. His tattoos scared off any oncoming trouble and his intent eyes held secrets that no one could imagine. But he liked you because you weren't afraid. You weren't uncomfortable.

And you were the same.

2: In your world, you would consider a pet a cat, dog or even fish. But in this world, we consider pets our Neko's. They are loyal creatures who will love their owners unconditionally. But one particular male Neko was sold into the breeding industry. His life was simple. Breed. Owners and Neko's had an unspoken rule to only love like family members.

But what if that rule could be broken?

(Fun fact: A Neko is a half human, half cat).

Just some ideas !! :) So if you'd like to use one of those ideas or your own, comment why I should write yours and I'll pick out the best suited one! :3

Remember though, every 10 votes and 6 comments, I'll publish a chapter to this mysterious book !!! :)

Thanks for reading guys :) Love you! :*

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