(Questions Author Update)

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So this chapter I said would be where all commented questions in the update before would be answered. Not many but that's alright (no it's not. I'm eating ice cream watching titanic. You did this to me.) ANYWAY! QUESTIONS BELOW!

Do you masturbate?

I've tried it before. I'm not going to lie. It was... 'ok'.

Have you ever tried to lick your own vagina?

No, not necessarily. I'd probably break my neck cause I ain't flexible. If ya know what I mean;)

Do you have a boyfriend?

I wish I had somebody to cuddle up to but no. Maybe it's because I smell bad or eat like a man. Is that a bad thing? God... where is my life going?

Have you ever gone extreme fangirl in public?

Is it bad to say no? I mean, when I see movies and advertisements and stuff, my friends go ballistic. I have this thing where I sit there quietly thinking of them all naked. ;)

Do you watch porn/ever watched it?

Yes. The sad but turning on truth. I've seen porn. I've seen smut. I've read smut. I've seen drawn smut and it all turns me on tremendously. Yeah, I think it's official I have problems.

So I only had these 5 questions sent into me which was a shame. I thought you wanted to know more about me.


Doesn't matter though :) I'll leave myself a mysterious to all ya readers who read it but didn't comment. Yeah, I know who you are! (Not really. I'm bluffing. :O).

But for those 5 who did comment earnt themselves a follow and an imaginary pizza/ice cream AND CHOCOLATE PARTY!!!

I wish I could join but I have smut to write and porn to watch.


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