Periods at the Horan's

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[Periods at the Horan's]

"Welcome to my humble abode!" You smile following Niall into his house for the first time.

"Wow." You breathed taking in everything.

"Oh come on! It's not that great." Niall chuckled taking your hand and leading you further in his house.

Niall and yourself had only been together for a short while and it still made you blush to hold his hands. Though he has kissed you a few times and enjoyed your cute embarrassment afterwards.

The first place he led you to was the kitchen which you were slowly learning was his favorite place.

"W-why are we-"

"So I can show you where stuff is. Then afterwards, I'll go for a shower and then set up a movie for tonight." You nodded as he smirked at your shyness. Then turning you and cupping your face, your face tinted red knowing what was about to commence.

Niall slowly leant his face in and looked down at you. You shut your eyes tightly feeling his breath fan over your face. He let out a dry  chuckle and packed your lips.

"You're to cute." Slowly opening your eyes, you smiled wearily as he gave your forehead a kiss and stepped back. "I'm going for a shower. Make yourself at home."


. . .

You and Niall sat comfortably together watching a movie. Your inner thigh had become warmer and you felt the need to keep them closed. Glancing under the woolen blanket, you slightly spread your legs to go wide eyed.

Your short workout pants had a red mark in them making your blush immediately come up.

"I-I need to go t-to-"

You went to get up but Niall pulled you back down onto him.

"You're not going anywhere." He smirked and flipped you so you straddled him. You quietly gasp feeling your immense problem grow. "I'll get lonely."

"N-Niall stop!" You choked out embarrassed as he playfully tapped your butt.

"Why? I thought you came over to cuddle with me." He rubbed your back as you whimpered. "Babe?" You pulled away from  him though he sat up holding a firm grip on you. "Are you ok? You're not hurt are you?" No but you might look like it 'down there'.

"I-I'm... on my p-period..." you mumbled as he raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't catch what you said (Y/N)." He said leaning up. Your bottom lip quivered as he ran his thumb over it.

"P-period..." you mumbled a bit louder as his eyes widened. Telling that he heard you.

"Oh baby..." he whispered as you held your face in your hands. "I'll take care of you." It was your turn for your eyes to widen this time. "I'll go up the road and get anything you need darlin."

He stood you both up and looked down rubbing your stomach. Your hands covered your pants as Niall smiled warmly at you.

"You go get cleaned up and I'll go get things for you." You nodded to embarrassed to answer. "The bathroom is third door to the right by the way." You nodded scrambling to the bathroom as Niall grabbed his car keys. "Be back soon beautiful!" Niall called as you scrambled up to his bathroom.

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