[Taken for all eternity]

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[Taken for all eternity]

You walked solemnly through the university hallways towards the entry of the building. Just coming out of a lecture, you were now making your way over to your boyfriends dorm.

Niall had the day off today and you had planned to go see him. Rounding the corner, you finally came to the small cafe situated close to your classes.

As you stepped into the small shop while pulling out your purse, you had immediately gained the attention of half the males inside. It wasn't that unexpected though. You've been getting attention ever since you were younger. But you didn't loathe in it like most people.

You were pretty kept to yourself and always rejected any boy who threw themself at you.

"Hello, how may I take your order?" The girl behind the counter spoke.

"Can I grab two cappuccinos." She nodded dialing into the register before asking if that was your final order. "Yes that's it." You took out your note, ready to pay the girl.

"That comes to 4.92 thanks." Before your hand could reach out though, a broader arm beat yours.

"I'll pay for the order babe." Looking over your shoulder, you sighed to the see the boy who's been begging for your attention since school.

"I have it Harry. It's ok." He shook his head smirking as the woman accepted his cash. You pulled a small pout and received your receipt before giving her your name.

"So you're ordering two huh? Who's the second one for?" Harry put his hand on your back though you pulled it away and stepped aside.

"Niall." An annoyed grunt left Harry's throat as he narrowed his eyes down at you.

"You actually like that brat?" You simply nodded and turned your head away from him. "Come on babe! You know I'm better than him. That kid is too young to be in university and too young to be in a relationship with you! He can't compare to you!"

"And you can?" You challenged. Harry straightened up before leaning each arm beside you on the counter. The gap closure didn't make you uncomfortable. Just annoyed.

"I'm more your type and you know that's true. You deserve someone better babe. Somebody who can protect you. Not somebody who needs to depend on you. Let me take care of you baby. Let me protect you."

As Harry held his hopeful stare down at you, your name was then called. Coming to the register, you took you beverages and looked back at Harry.

"I'm sorry. But cocky asshole isn't my type." And with that, you left the shop.

. . .

Your elbow awkwardly knocked on Niall's door as you heard ruffling behind it.

"Coming!" He called making you smile. The door then opened and Niall smiled wide looking at you.

"Hi baby." He linked his hands and looked down at his feet.

"H-hello." Stepping forward, you kissed his cheek making his blush flare.

"I got you something from the cafe. Here." Niall gratefully took it and shut the door once you were inside. You stepped in further to see his revision papers spread across his work desk. "You been studying?"

"I-I guess so." Niall shrugged coming over and trying yo rearrange his mess.

"Have you had a break?" You asked putting your beverage down on his bedside table.

"I-I can't remember." He muttered blinking at the wall. You only chuckled before making your way towards him.

"Well then you deserve a break." Coming up behind him, you rubbed his back before massaging his shoulders. A light hiss of bliss left his lips as he leant back into your touch. Your figure towered over his small one. He was a year younger than you and people always thought he wasn't good enough for you. You knew they were wrong though.

Your hands ran down his back again before wrapping around his stomach. Niall looked down as your fingers tugged the hem of his shirt up.

"How about a bath?" Niall shivered nodding and watched as you rubbed his exposed skin. His heart beat increased as he bit his lip. You chuckled at his reaction before pulling him into his bathroom.

Kneeling down, you set the bathtub water temperature before letting it fill. After adding the soon to be bubbles, you turned and walked over to Niall.

He blushed and hid his face on your shoulder making you smile down at him.

"Come on." Tugging his shirt up, he let you lift it off to expose his small torso. You began to undress as Niall focused on his pant belt. He stared as you turned your back to him and pulled off your remaining underwear.

Niall couldn't help but grip himself before shredding the rest of his clothes off.

You stepped into the bathtub first and relaxed. Niall followed you and you encouraged him behind you. His arms distinctively wrapped around you as he pushed himself as close as he could against you.

Sighing, you rubbed his skinny legs as Niall grunted placing small kisses to your shoulder.

Reaching forward, you turned the tap off as Niall rubbed your lower back. He couldn't believe you were his. Every inch of you.

Climbing onto your hands and knees, you smiled back at your boy.

"Make love to me Niall." Without a second thought, Niall climbed onto his knees and entered you from behind. You held the sides of the bathtub as Niall slowly rocked back and forth.

He wasn't completely filling you and he wasn't overly big. But he was perfect in your eyes. And his touches alone would be enough to make you cum.

His chest molded to your back and he panted on your skin.

"(Y-Y/N)!" He moaned holding the inner sides of your hips to your thighs. His thrusts grew too fast as his release grew closer. "I-I can't h-hold it!"

He wanted to pull away, but you didn't let him.

"Cum inside me Niall. It's ok." He blinked back down at you as you gripped his arm. "I'm on the pill." That seemed to be enough to set him off.

His twitching thrusts released cum inside of you. You smiled at your boy before he slowly pulled out and sat back in the tub.

"L-let's actually relax now." He pulled you back between his legs and kissed your cheek. "I-I love you."

"I love you as well Niall."

. . .

"So what class do you have now?" You asked Niall while lightly swinging your arms back and forth.

"I have the bachelor honors lecture n-now." He replied as you both came past the cafe from which you went to yesterday.

"Oh ok." You smiled. People gave you both second glances which you could care less about. Niall was still a bit uptight about it. "Well I'll meet you in the cafeteria around lunch ok?" Niall nodded as you stopped him and connected a sweet kiss to his lips.

His hands gripped your shoulders as he leant up on his tippy toes. A loud clearing of a throat brought you two to part.

"Excuse me." Looking over, you saw a very frustrated Harry holding back his anger. You gave a quick goodbye to Niall before your boyfriend scurried into the room. Harry glared after him before looking over at you. "I just don't understand." He muttered, his face falling.

"You don't need to." You turned away though Harry snatched your wrist. He wanted you to hear him.

"I love you (Y/N)." Your eyes widened as you kept your face forward. "And I will spend everyday proving it to you until you are finally in my arms." Balling your wrists, you snatched your hand back and growled.

"You'll have to waste eternity then." And with that you stomped away, leaving Harry in the dust.

Harry was willing to wait an eternity.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY Harry you big lovable fuzzball. Many fans and I wish you a happy birthday. Just don't drink with Niall tonight. His curfew is 7. ;)

Nouislicker out!!!!

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