He finds out you're abused

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[He finds out you're abused]

You sat quietly at the back of the classroom hoping the lesson would drag out. Not because you liked school. Because school was a lot better than your home life. Your dad wasn't a particularly nice man and you found out a while ago he had an alcoholic problem. Your mum cops the beatings and unfortunately you do the same.

The bell rung before you could contemplate what was going on.

"Alright, see you tomorrow!" The teacher called and everyone began exiting the room. You slowly followed the crowd keeping your head down and your long sleeved shirt over your arms.

Hesitantly coming to the front of the school, you looked at the ground passing everybody silently.

"(Y/N)!" You then heard before a large hand grabbed your shoulder. You winced in pain and slowly looked back to see your friend Niall smile at you. Lucky he didn't notice the pain. "Hey, I was looking for you."

"O-oh." You muttered as Niall wrapped an arm around your shoulders and guided you out the front gate.

"Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to come to the park with me." Blinking back, you saw an opportunity reveal itself.

"Now?" Niall nodded as you slowly smiled. "Sure." Niall took your hand and pulled you up the path towards the park.

A few minutes later, you arrived at the park and were pulled over to a bench.

"You've been quiet for a while. Everything ok (Y/N)?" Niall fist pumped your shoulder as you whimpered holding the spot. Niall's slight smile dropped to concern as he held your arms. "(Y/N)?"

You know the feeling you have where you want to explain everything, but can't because you're scared that if you open your mouth, only sobs will come out?

Well that's how you felt right now. Niall pulls you into his chest and strokes your hair as you cringe beginning to lightly cry.

"H-he hurts m-me." You choked out crying openly onto Niall's shirt.

"Who does?" He offers a kiss to your forehead as you wipe streaming tears.

"D-dad." Niall went silent taking in what you just told him.

"You're... you're abused by your own father?" You could only nod falling to your knees. Niall went with you and held you close.

He didn't know what to do in that very moment. He was still processing the information. So he just held you as you weeped into him. For at that moment.

He felt powerless.

Hey guys, so I was just stalking around (like any normal person) and came across a really good imagine book. It's by my friend @AnnaXX1D and it's Louis instead of Niall but you should really go read it.

Your welcome @AnnaXX1D ;) love you to.

But seriously guys, you've been with me all day and I just want to thank you.

So! I've decided to hold a pizza AND ice cream party! ERMAGERD!!!!!!!

BUT HOW You ask? Just a bit of imagination :3



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