A girl kisses you

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[A girl kisses you]

You scrolled through your phone in the lounge with the television as a blurred sound in the back of your mind. You had heard some yelling before but when you where living with Nouis and Eleanor it does get loud sometimes. Day time and night.

"You underestimate me Louis!"

"You're too much of a girl El!" Lifting your gaze up from your phone, you saw Eleanor and Louis pacing out the hall.

"Oh yeah?!"

"Yeah!" Eleanor's eyes landed on yours before she stomped into the lounge room.

"Come here (Y/N)!" She yanked you up as your phone dropped to the carpet. She slapped her hands on your cheeks before lunging forward and pushing her lips on yours. You blinked back wide eyed, your breath hitching in your throat.

"Dear god Eleanor!" Louis said as we both stood still together. Her lips moved against mine and I tried pulling away though she only followed me. Then we heard another gasp.

"(Y/N)?!" I pushed Eleanor away and wiped my mouth looking over to see Niall enter the room. An arm wrapped around my shoulders and Eleanor smirked at Louis.

"That was... hot." Louis smirked back. "You're right. I shouldn't underestimate you El."

"What the hell is going on?" You whispered looking between Eleanor and Louis.

"That's what I'd like to know." Niall said walking towards you. "I'm the only one that can kiss you. Though that was hot but it's not happening again." Niall pulled you into his hold as Eleanor shrugged.

"I've proven myself. That's all that matters." Eleanor smiled as you blushed.

Hi! Hi! Hiiii!

It's been a long time again I know. :'( But today I will be on all DAY!!! ISN'T THAT FANTASTIC?!?!

No? Still angry at me? Ok.

*Squeezes you in tight hug*

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!

And all your little things. (←see what I did there?)

Love ya! Nouislicker out! :3

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