Experiment - Teaser

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"But doctor! This is insane!"

"Only as much as you make it!" He grinned deviously and yanked down the latch. The doctor and his assistant both stared in awe at the experiment.

The lights flickered, the Bunsen burners overflowed and the streaks of energy from the transmitter shot into the empty body.

"Come on. Come on!" The doctor then shut the latch down and waited. Both the doctor and his assistant waited behind the glass wall separating the two rooms.

"D-did it work?" The female assistant looked up at the madman that stepped away and came to his experiment. She followed after him to see the lifeless body just lay there. "Doctor, I don't think-"

"Wait." He interrupted staring at the experiment's face. It's features stay still, looking like it would eliminate any sign of hope.

"Doctor look!" Both of them shot their heads down to see a finger on the boy's left hand twitch.

"We did it... we actually did it!"

But little did they know, that they had unleashed something that could learn. Develop emotions and potentially destroy without a second thought. And little did you know, that you would be the one having to deal with it.


Just a little teaser. Do you like the idea??? :o

Mummy Nouis my little kittens <3

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