He stands up for you

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[He stands up for you]

You sat beside Eleanor watching the boys and some of their mates you didn't personally know play their small game of soccer.

You were a big fan of soccer.

But you felt intrusive to say anything. You wanted to play but again, didn't want to say anything.

"Harry!" You tore from your thoughts to see Harry fall to the ground holding his knee. "Man down!" Louis yelled running over to him.

Eleanor and yourself got up and ran to the scene where a crowd already was. His knee was bleeding but not to badly.

"You right mate?" Liam asked as Louis stabled him to his feet.

"Yeah, I'm ok. Probably can't play though."

"So you've lost by a forfeit?" A friend asked. He was a bit rough in personality so you tended to keep your distance.

"No way!" Niall says standing in front of him and crossing his arms all while Louis and Eleanor helped Harry off the field.

"Well you only have 4 players now so it's instant forfeit." You bit your lip and stepped beside Niall.

"I'll play." The 2 boys looked at you before one burst out laughing. Niall narrowed his eyes at the opposite team mate he was facing.

"You... you can't let her play!" He wiped tears from his eyes as Niall wrapped an arm around your shoulders.

"Oh." You muttered. "I-I'll go sit-

"No." Niall interrupted you. "You can play. And there should be no reason why you can't."

"B-but she's a girl!"

"And you have a small dick. Your point." You held back a smile as Niall held a glare with the opposing member.

"Yeah, let her play!" Zayn came over to support you.

"Doesn't matter what gender the player. She should still be able to play." Liam added as Niall raised an amused eyebrow with a smirk.

"W-well..." the player choked out feeling pressured. "Alright fine! Like a girl player is going to make a difference." He and his 4 mates walked off as Zayn pulled faces at them.

"Such a dick." Liam chuckled as Louis ran over. Niall turned to you and pressed his lips to your forehead.

"Don't ever take shit baby." Niall whispered looking down at you. You smiled up at him before hearing Louis.

"So what I miss?"

"(Y/N) is taking Harry's place." Niall said proudly as you looked over at Louis. He blinked back a few times before smiling widely.

"Good on ya!" He patted your shoulder and you began the game again.

And not to brag or anything but you won... by miles.

Herro ;) This imagine is the opposite of the next imagine of 'he doesn't stand up for you'. SPOILER! Anyway, I will be announcing that I am updating coincidence today so be ready for it :)

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