He's no good for you

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[He's no good for you]

"Ok, ok!" You giggled helping Niall climb out your window.

"I love you." He pressed his lips to yours letting his leg hang out your window frame. You cupped his face and felt your lips mold. His soft moist skin pressed against yours letting you relieve a bit of pressure and stress.

"(Y/N)!" You heard your father call and pulled away from Niall. He groaned gripping your shoulders and leaning back up.

"No Niall." You kissed his nose and shooed him out. "Before you get caught!" He chuckled and climbed down the side of your window before his feet grounded on your front lawn.

You closed your bedroom window and licked your lips walking to your door. As you opened it, you saw your father's figure just about to knock.

"Oh." He regained himself and looked behind you and into your room. "I was just coming to check up on you."

"I'm fine dad." You rolled your eyes crossing your arms.

"Well I had to make sure. Ever since you've been hanging out with that Niall boy-

"There is nothing wrong with Niall!" You snapped interrupting your father with a stern face.

"He is not good for you (Y/N)!"

"I will decide what is good for me or not!" He rolled his eyes this time and looked down at you intently making you feel nervous under his gaze.

"I am your father and actually, I will decide. He is not good for you and you will stay away from him! Is that clear?" Your eyes widened as you shook your head.


"(Y/N)!" You went quiet and nodded, knowing you couldn't win this battle. "Good." He turned and left as you shut the door. Growling in anger, you snatched your phone from your side table and texted Niall.

Hey babe, you know that drink you offered at that party tonight? Well, I'm in!

Moments later you received a reply.

YES! ;) Still here! Climb down and lets go to party tonight baby! <3

You shoved the phone in your pants and grabbed a jacket off the floor.

'Sorry dad, you can't stop me.'

You chuckled at the thought and met Niall at his car before taking off to the party.

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now