Experient (Part 1)

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160 years later...

"Subject has just been spotted. He's coming down the highway at a rough speed at approximately 210. All units wait at exit gate 402."

You turned off your radio and pulled your motorbike out before riding it up alongside the exit to the highway.

This machine is smarter than they think. It knows that we'll be waiting for it. It'll either come through loaded or take the next turn off.

Revving your bike the opposite sight of the bridge, you looked over the railings and up the highway.

Soon the subject was in sight and coming closer by the second. You revved your bike again and turned towards the entrance of the highway.

He'll go straight through.

You thoughts were soon proven right as he went straight past. But you were ready to catch him and begin the chase.

Taking off, you came down the entrance ramp and picked up drastic speed in a small amount of time.

175... 190... 206.

It wasn't long before everything around became a blurr. You stuck to one side of the traffic and saw your target in front of you. Bingo.

He knew you were there. Somebody was always there after him.

Your eyes narrowed as you kept right behind him at your high speed. That you were expecting. But what you weren't expecting was him to break suddenly. He was thrown off the bike and you ran into his.

A loud cry left your mouth as you scratched across the road like a pebble over solemn water.

By the time you had stopped moving, you could barely feel yourself. Everywhere was hurting and you thought you were going to die with a crash like that.

The thoughts slowly deceased into darkness and so did you.

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now