(Listen up! Author Note)

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Hey guys,

Just a quick say that I'm feeling a lot better now since my last author note. Who knew a massive cry could make you feel better?

Anyway, the real reason I'm making this author note is about the One Direction concert in Cardiff.

What the fuck is that about? Apparently Zayn made an appearance and these 'fans' decided to boo him. That's really fucking low. How dare you.

You're only angry at him because of what social media has shown you. Yes he left the band. Yes he and Louis had a fall out on Twitter, but there's always a reason behind everything.

Did Zayn call you up personally and spill to you about everything that he has done and why he's done it? No? So shut your fucking mouth.

I still love Zayn. I always will. And I can't believe people booed him at the concert.

Do you not know how close the boys are to him? Did you not see Harry cry on stage after Zayn left? Well maybe he cried after that concert too because of the lack of respect these so call "directioners" showed.

Grow up. He's only human. You don't have to like him. But you have to tolerate him. And that doesn't mean bag him out and everyone associated to him online behind that computer screen of yours. That means if you don't have anything nice to say, tie your fingers together with ductape and restrain yourself from the keyboard.

The reason why he left One Direction? I don't know. But I doubt it was Perrie, I doubt it was the boys and I doubt it was his lack of motivation to pull through.

It could have been these "fans" that drove him out. And to all those people hating on Zayn Malik, did you ever think that maybe YOU WERE THE PROBLEM?

Of course you didn't. Because as long as the other four lads sing songs making you feel perfect then you're the most innocent angel online.

Lesson of the day to people who have no respect: shut the fuck up.

Nouislicker out.

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