(Sexy Author Update)

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Hey! Nouislicker here! XD

Just a short little message :3

You guys are great! Fantastic! And I love you all! You have always commented and voted and messaged me and given me love and been dirty with me. Just a whole lot basically ;)

Have you been curious about me? Wondering if I have a child? Thought if I've masturbated somewhere or licked my phone screen?

Well now is the chance to ask me questions!!!!! :3

Just comment (NOT MESSAGE! I'VE GOT ENOUGH SEXTS AS IT IS!) below a question and my next chapter will be just me answering them (soz not soz).

You can ask me ANYTHING!!!

Just to inform you.

And if you comment a ridiculous, crazy and sexy question, I will most likely follow you!!!!


You only have half an hour! If your questions are in late then TOO BAD SO SAD MY SEXY NOUISLICKERS!

Get to it! :3 Love you all! :*

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