Chapter 54: In the Shadows

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*Janelle’s P.O.V*

“When will you learn Janelle?”


“Learn what? That you’re a fucking bastard?!”


“You better watch your words, love,” he said turning around. And that’s when the lightning from the storm outside flashed and I saw what he was holding. “You see this?” he asked whirling the gun around his finger. “Got it last year. Haven’t used it yet. Been keeping it safe for the right reasons. But nevermind,” he said putting the gun in his pocket. “How are you doing, my sweet Janelle? How is the One Direction life?”


“It’s good without you in it. Why do you have to keep popping up in it?!”


“Why, I’ve been here the whole time,” he said stepping closer to me, “I’ve just been in the shadows that’s all. Waiting for you of course to come back to me.”


“Get over this obsession you have with me Aaron! I will never go back to you.”


“Now that’s where you’re mistaken Janelle because you will come back to me.” He took the gun out of his pocket again and walked over to me. He grabbed me by the shoulders and pinned me down on the bed.


“Aaron let me go!” I screamed. “Somebody help me!” But nobody came.


“You see that? No one is coming to rescue you. They don’t care about you Janelle. But I do, so please come back to me.”


“I will never,” I said looking him in the eyes.


“I’ve had enough of this,” he said and that’s when rage entered his eyes. Using the gun, he hit me on the side of the head. The room spun and I felt my head throbbing with pain. I refocused my vision onto Aaron and decided to fight back.

            I grabbed the lamp on the nightstand and hit him in the head with it. I tried to make a run for it, but that's when I felt his arms wrap around me.


“Niall! Harry! Zayn! Louis! Liam! Anybody!” I screamed, but nobody came.


“You see? They don’t care about you!” Aaron said throwing me onto the bed. “They care more about themselves. They’re just a bunch of selfish, inconsiderate, conceited pieces of shit.”


“How dare you say that? If anything, you are the selfish, inconsiderate, conceited piece of shit! I wish I never met you,” I said looking at him straight in the eyes. And for some reason, I had the courage to spit him in the face.


“Big mistake,” he said wiping it off of his face. Next thing you know, Aaron pins me down on the bed, gun in his hand, points it at my head, and settles his finger on the trigger. “I wish you didn’t do that.”

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