Chapter 9: Kisses to Think About

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*Niall's P.O.V.*

"On the count of 3 we attack," I whispered to Janelle. She nodded her head agreeing to my plan. "1....2......3! ATTACK!" We ran out and immediately started to shoot Zayn.

"WHAT?! NIALL?! I THOUGHT YOU WERE ON OUR SIDE! GUYS!!" Zayn yelled. At that moment, Louis and Liam busted through the back door and they started shooting both Janelle and I. After a few seconds, Harry bust through the door. All of us just went out into war. It was Janelle and I against everyone else. I started cracking up!

"Niall! How can you betray us?!" I heard Louis yell. I just kept dodging nerf shots from the left and right. Then, from the corner of my eye I saw Harry creep up from behind Janelle and he carried her inside the house. Louis, Liam, Zayn, and I just started shooting each other, no matter what side we were on. But I need to know what Harry is going to do. I started to pull away from the fight slowly, going towards the window that shows the living room. I looked through the living room and saw Harry and Janelle standing there. They were talking, but then I saw Harry kiss Janelle. No!

"Hey Niall!" I heard Louis yell from behind me. "Can Janelle swim?"

I turned around hoping that nobody saw me staring at Harry and Janelle through the window. "Yeah," I replied back. Before I knew it, Louis, Zayn, and Liam ran inside the house and grabbed Janelle. They carried her out towards the pool and they dumped her in! I know that was mean, but I had to laugh and besides, she was away from Harry. All of us started to laugh, but nobody expected to see what happened next.

            I was looking at the pool and instead of seeing Janelle swim towards the sides, she stayed in the middle. Her head came up only a few times, but those few times lasted only like a second. There was a lot of splashing so I couldn't really see what she was doing. Then all of a sudden the splashing stopped. I could see her body now. Instead of swimming up, her body was sinking.

"Guys! She's drowning!!" I yelled out. I quickly tore off my shoes and jumped into the pool. Once I jumped in, I looked around and saw Janelle floating to the bottom of the pool. I quickly swam over to her and grabbed her body. I swam up to the surface and called out for the rest of the boys as I started to swim over to the wall.

"Guys! Help me get her out!" I reached the wall and the guys carried her out of the pool. As they laid her in the ground, I climbed out of the pool and quickly ran over to her.

"Anyone know CPR?" Liam asked us.

"I can try," I said, so I started out with compressions and then opened her mouth, breathing into her.

"C'mon Janelle. Please don't leave me."

*Janelle's P.O.V.*


"Janelle please wake up!!" I felt my chest being pounded on and someone's lips on my mouth. They were pushing air into my body. Was I being given CPR? The person's lips went on mines again and it was like a million fireworks gone off and it created butterflies in my stomach. I managed to get my eyes to finally open and I saw all 5 of the boys hovered over me. I coughed up some water and they started to help me sit up.

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