Chapter 1: Is He Even Coming?

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We were walking along the beach hand in hand, side by side. The moon was full and our footprints were being marked behind us. The waves were silently crashing, the wind softly blowing through. This is the perfect night.


"Yeah?" I ask, looking over to him.

"Can I tell you something?"

"Of course you can." I smile.

He stops walking and we face each other. I look right into his bright, blue eyes and I could tell that he was nervous.

"Janelle.....I love you." Never, in a thousand years, would I think that I would hear those words come out of his mouth and have him say that to me. And, I knew exactly what to say back.

"I love you too, Niall."



"Yeah Mom. I'm up, I'm up!" I shout, ripping my sheets off of me.

Hello, my name is Janelle Evergreen and yes that was a dream. I'm 17 years old and I am a senior in high school. I live in Mullingar, Ireland and have been living here for quite a while. My family and I, who consists of my mom, dad, and younger sister, CeCe, have been living here for almost 6 years. We first lived in America, but my parents decided to move to Ireland when I was 12, which explains the American accent I have.
Being that I was 12 and it was the fall when my family moved here, right away I was entered into middle school and that was when I met my best friend, Niall Horan. That's right. My best friend is Niall Horan. My class had assigned seats, so my teacher assigned me to sit right next to him.


"Hi I'm Janelle." I say reaching my seat.

"Hi I'm Niall. Are you new here?"

"Yeah. I recently moved here from America."

"Well nice to meet you Janelle. Oh! Watch out for my oreos!"

I look down at my seat and see the pack of oreos he began reaching for. Niall picks it up and sets it on his desk while I take my seat.

"Hey I like oreos too! Can I have one?" I ask eyeing the package.

I see him look down at the oreos and there was only one left. I was about to say never mind when he smiled and opened the package towards me.

"Sure you can have one." he says showing his toothy grin.

Moments (Niall Horan)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora