Chapter 22: Left Alone

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“So what are the teams?” Niall asked everyone.

“I don’t know but I want Janelle on my team!” Louis screamed running over to me. “Oooo! How about couples against each other?” Louis asked with a devious smile on his face.

“Awwww,” both Liam and Harry groaned. But after a few minutes of complaining and cheering, we finally made our teams. The teams went like this: Harry, Danielle, Eleanor, and Niall VS. Louis, Liam, Zayn, and me.

“Game starts in 10 minutes,” the guy working said. We went inside the arena and our teams went on the opposite sides to discuss strategy.

“Ok! Liam and Zayn you will watch over the front, while Janelle and I stay and take care of the back,” Louis commanded.

“Why do you guys get to stay in the back?” Zayn asked. “We’re more likely to be found.”

“That’s the point! Face it Zayn. You’re not really the stealthy. Janelle and I will be like the secret weapons,” Louis said.

“True,” Zayn said nodding his head. Soon the big screen above the arena started counting down from 10 seconds. 10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1…BEGIN!

            Liam and Zayn ran towards the front of our area while Louis and I kept watch of the back.

“Ok so Harry and Niall will probably come after us,” Louis said looking at me but also glancing around.

“So what’s the plan?” I asked.

“Just keep watch and if you see any of them just shoot,” Louis said before he ran to another post a few feet away. I looked around and I saw no one. I waited a few seconds before I decided to run to another post.

“Please welcome new player,” a computer-generated voice said above us. New player? I thought you couldn’t add in more players once the game started?

            I looked around and saw a silhouette duck behind a post. Maybe that’s Niall or Harry! I started to head towards that area, but as I was running, out of the corner of my eye I saw Harry and Niall ducked behind another post so I stopped and ducked behind the nearest post. I hope they didn’t see me. I turned around, peaked out and saw Niall and Harry talking. I wonder what they’re talking about. I was about to shoot them, being that they weren’t really paying attention, but someone already did. I looked towards my left and saw the silhouette again. I tried to get a good look at him but he quickly dodged behind another post.

*Niall’s P.O.V.*

“Ok so here’s the plan,” I announced to everyone. “Harry and I will scout the area while Eleanor and Danielle, you guys stay around here.”

10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1…BEGIN! Harry and I ducked down and headed towards the center of the arena.

“Ok so knowing Louis and Janelle, they will probably stay behind so we have to sneak our way over to them,” Harry said. I nodded my head and we continued on.

“Please welcome new player,” a computer-generated voice said above us.

“I thought you couldn’t add in any more players once the game started?” I asked Harry.

“Well nothing really happened yet so I guess it’s ok,” Harry replied. We both continued walking, but decided to stay behind a post for a while.

“Niall you lied to me,” Harry said randomly as we sat down.

“What are you talking about mate?” I asked curiously.

“You told me that Janelle hates me when she didn’t. And she said the date was wonderful, not horrible,” Harry said staring at me.

Moments (Niall Horan)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora