Chapter 17: Concert Moments

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“Did you get punched in the eye?!” Louis shouted as everyone turned to look at me.

“Yes?” I sheepishly said.

“When did this happen?!” Harry asked inspecting my eye. “Niall what did you do?!” he said turning towards him.

“Why are you blaming me?!” Niall shouted.

“Well you were the one that stayed at her house over the night!”

“Doesn’t mean that I did anything!”

“GUYS! STOP YELLING!” I shouted. Everyone got quiet and looked towards me. “Harry, Niall didn’t do anything to me! If anything, he actually helped me out this morning. And Niall, you didn’t have to shout back at Harry!” I said turning to the both of them. “Now can you please let me explain?” I asked. They both nodded their heads and let me talk.

“Well after hanging out with Niall, I went to hang out with another guy, his name is Aaron. We went to watch a movie and after the movie we decided to get a cup of coffee. There was this guy creeping me out a couple of tables away and Aaron saw. He went up to the guy and started a fight with him. I tried to stop them, but when I did, when the other guy threw a punch, Aaron dodged it, causing it to hit me instead.”

“Wait. Are you talking about the Aaron I met last night when I saw you at Starbucks?” Louis asked.

“Yes,” I said.

“How do you even know this Aaron guy?” Zayn asked.

“I dated him before,” I sheepishly said.

“Wait. So he’s your ex-boyfriend?” Liam asked and I nodded my head. “Why are you hanging out with your ex-boyfriend?”

“Because he tried asking me back, but I only agreed to take him back as a friend.”

“What happened between you guys?” Zayn asked.

“It was three years ago. We were together for a year and then he moved away. When we broke up, I tried contacting him but he never replied back to me. It wasn’t until a couple weeks ago when he texted me. I ignored it, but then he showed up at my house that same weekend. I kicked him out, but only ended up calling him because I needed closure. He told me that his friends broke up with me just so that they could have their Aaron back. That’s when he asked me back, saying that he was sorry and other stuff,” I explained.

“Then how did you guys end up hanging out Saturday?” Louis asked.

“Well since he moved back, he goes to the same school as me. We have last period together. He caught me and that’s when he asked me if we wanted to hangout.”

“Do you plan on ‘hanging out’ with him again?” Liam asked.

“I don’t know,” I said. There’s no chance that the same things can happen again. Right?

“Boys we’re here!” Paul said from the driver’s seat. We all walked out and headed inside the arena. The boys had to rehearse for their show tonight so I decided to take a walk around.

            I walked through a bunch of hallways before I realized that I was completely lost, but I continued walking anyways. Then I got a strange feeling that somebody was following me. I turned around, but saw nobody there. I tuned back forward and continued walking. That strange feeling still never went away. The hallways were getting darker and I couldn’t really hear the sounds of the boys coming from the speakers. I started walking a little faster but it still felt like somebody was following me. I turned back around and that’s when I saw shadowy figure run behind a wall. I immediately turned back around and started running. I didn’t know where I was running to just as long as I’m running away from that shadowy figure. I kept on running until I accidentally bumped into someone.

Moments (Niall Horan)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin