Chapter 36: Letting It All Out

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I looked over at Janelle's heart monitor and all I saw was a flat line, the sound still going on.

"Janelle!" I shouted. I ran over to her and everyone joined around. "Someone get a doctor or a nurse!" I yelled.

"We need help! Somebody!" Louis shouted from outside. In a few seconds, nurses and a couple of doctors rushed through the doors.

"Everyone move!" a doctor shouted. We all backed away and let them around Janelle.

"What's happening to her?!" I shouted.

"She's going into a seizure. Everyone please clear out the room," another doctor said pushing us out. 

"Is she going to be alright?" Mrs. Evergreen asked.

"Just please everyone clear the room," the same doctor shouted. He finally got us pushed out of the room and we all just watched through the small window in the door. All the nurses crowded around Janelle. I couldn't see anything, and to make it worse they pulled the curtain around her.

            I turned around, walked to the other side of the hall and rested my elbows on the wall. How can I let this happen?

"Niall, mate, are you alright?" I heard Liam ask from behind me.

"What do you think Liam?!" I shouted as I turned around to face him. "This is all my fault! I should be the one in there, not Janelle!"

"Niall, I think you should calm down," Louis said coming over to me.

"Don't you guys care about her?!" I shouted looking around at all their nonchalant faces.

"Niall, of course we care about her. We're just trying to be hopeful and be strong for her," Mrs. Evergreen said. "You don't think that Mr. Evergreen and I worry about her? Of course we do. But we can't fall apart on her."

"Mr. and Mrs. Evergreen?" someone asked from behind her. We all looked and there was one of the doctors standing there with a clipboard.

"Yes?" Mr. Evergreen asked as he ran up to him.

"We have some good news and some bad news. Which would you like to hear first?"

"Good news please," Mrs. Evergreen answered.

"We were able to revive your daughter," he gladly said.

"And the bad news?" Harry asked.

"She is still in the coma," he replied. "You may go in and see her, but we will be keeping a close eye on her."

"Thank you," everyone said as we returned back inside Janelle's room. We walked in and it looked like more things were hooked up on her.

"Oh Janelle..." Mrs. Evergreen said as she started tearing up again. She turned around and started crying into her husband's shoulder. I looked at him and I could see that he was starting to tear up as well as he just stared at his daughter.

Why Janelle? Why does she have to go through this? She doesn't deserve any of this. If I only could see her smile, hear her voice, be able to save her for the suffering she's going through right now.

"Niall, are you alright?" Danielle asked, but I didn't reply.

"I think it's time for us to go," Liam said as he looked at his watch. "Niall, are you coming?"

"No. I'm gonna stay here," I said staring at Janelle.

"Are you sure?" Zayn asked, and I nodded my head.

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