Chapter 34: Number One Suspect

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*Janelle’s P.O.V.*

“Janelle? CeCe?” my mom called as she walked into the living room. “Can your father and I talk to you guys in the kitchen?”

“Sure,” I said getting up from the couch. “Are we in trouble or something?”

“No! Not at all!” my mom said as we followed her into the kitchen, and there I saw my dad sitting at the dining table.

“Are you pregnant or something?” CeCe asked.

“Oh God no,” my mom taking a seat next to my dad. CeCe and I took a seat and looked at our parents.

“Then what is this about?” I asked.

“We’re moving,” my dad said finally saying something.

“Moving where?” CeCe asked.

“To Ireland,” my dad said looking up at us.

“Why are we moving all the way over there?!” I shouted.

“I’m sorry Janelle, but I got a new job promotion and that’s where they want me,” my dad said.

“But what about our lives here? Our friends? Family? Will we ever see them again?” CeCe asked.

“I don’t know sweetie, but please just think about this. Just think that this will be for the better for our family. When we move there, you’ll have new friends to make. And our family can always fly up there for vacations,” my mom said.

“When are we moving?” I asked.

“When you guys finish this school year, so summer,” my dad said.

“Have fun at school!” my mom shouted as she drove off from the school, and I turned around embarrassed. I knew people were staring, but I just kept on walking. Well here I am, starting a new grade at a new school in a new country and I am already probably getting laughed at.

I walked into the school and I was super lost.

“I think my class is this way,” CeCe said pointing in the opposite direction. “I’ll see you later,” she said before walking off. Great, now I’m a new lonely girl in the halls.

“RIIIIIINNNNGGG!!” Well I guess that’s the bell to report to first period. I grabbed my schedule out of my bag and just started walking. I tried my best to avoid bumping into somebody, but that plan failed because a few moments later my bag fell to the floor by some force in front of me with everything pouring out.

“Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!” I heard somebody say.

“It’s alright,” I said bending down and gathering my things, and the person who bumped into me bent down as well and started helping me out. We finally got my things together and I put my bag over my shoulder. I looked up and I just saw the hottest guy I have ever seen in my life. “T-Thanks,” I managed to get out.

“No problem,” he said. “The name is Aaron. And yours?” he asked sticking his hand out.

“Janelle,” I said shaking his hand.

“So are you new here?”

“Yeah. I just moved here from America.”

“Oh cool! So do you need help getting to your first period? I know how it can be being a new student,” Aaron said grabbing my schedule.

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