Chapter 40: Is There Such Thing As Safety?

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“I really don’t want to talk about it. Lets just get back to the party,” I said starting to walk back out, but I just so happened to walk back out at the wrong time. When I opened the door, I accidentally bumped into Aaron. And lucky for me, he had a drink in his hand. So when I bumped into him, some of his drink poured onto me!

“Oh my gosh! Janelle I am so sorry!” Aaron exclaimed.

“It’s alright. Good thing it’s just water,” I said looking back at the drink in his hand.

“Here, maybe this will help,” Aaron said handing over his handkerchief. I looked at it and it was just a simple white handkerchief, but it also had his letters sewn into it in black, AH, for Aaron Hemmingway.

“Thanks Aaron,” I said as I finished wiping it down and giving the handkerchief back to him.

“Ms. Evergreen? Ms. Evergreen, has Aaron ever tried done anything to you? Ms. Evergreen?”

            I couldn’t focus. I cannot believe it. Aaron? It was Aaron? All this time it was Aaron? How he could have not said anything? To believe he actually had the nerve to visit me in the hospital and not say anything. He was my friend! I trusted him!

“Janelle?” Niall asked as he placed his hand on my shoulder, and that caught my attention.

“What?” I asked snapping out of my trance. “I’m sorry,” I said looking at Officer McCarthy. “Could you please repeat the question?”

“Has Aaron ever assaulted or done anything like that to you before?” Officer McCarthy asked holding a notepad in his hand. Everyone was in the living, and by everyone, I mean everyone: my parents, the boys, CeCe, Ashley, Eleanor, and Danielle. After Niall and I’s mini food fight, we had a small breakfast and everyone gathered in the living room.

“Umm no, not that I can remember,” I hesitantly said.

“What about the time he gave you a black eye?” Niall asked.

“That was on accident though. That time he actually was defending me,” I said looking over at him.

“Would you like to tell me about it? We need all the information we need about this… Aaron Hemmingway?” Officer McCarthy said looking down at his notepad again.

“Well Aaron and I were out getting some coffee and I noticed that someone was checking me out. It made me feel uncomfortable, so Aaron tried to fix the situation. He confronted the guy, which only ended up in a fistfight. I tried breaking them up and that’s when I got hit.”

“Now Ms. Evergreen,” Officer McCarthy said after jotting down a few notes. “Can you please tell me the history of you and Mr. Aaron Hemmingway?”

            And I did. I told him everything, from when we met in 9th, how we were together for one year, how we even broke up, how we didn’t have any contact with each other, how he just suddenly pops back up in my life, and then ended it with our fight that just happened last night. That took about an hour.

“Thank you, now you say that you and Aaron haven’t talked in three years, but just until a few months ago he just contacts you and appears back in you life?” Officer McCarthy asked, and I nodded my head. “Now that is strange. Has Mr. Hemmingway made any contact with you since last night?” And I shook my head. “Ok. Now can you please tell me if you know the whereabouts of Mr. Hemmingway? Where he lives, where he works, where he likes to hang out, all those stuff?”

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