Começar do início

He was always the kind twin. The twin who would never hurt anyone. He wanted friends, and I killed him for it.

What is wrong with me?

Your POV

"Well, alright."

You said. There was no use delaying it. You turned to look at Monty.

"Listen, if I don't come back.....go to my house. Tell my mom that I'm staying with a friend. When Ted gets there, make sure he has somewhere to stay. And same for Emma. Please."

You said pleadingly. He nodded solemnly.

"Let's not think like that. Just say you'll be back soon. Okay?"

Smokey interjected. You smiled sadly.

"I'll be back soon."

And with that, you, Penny, Lily, and Kid exited the elevator. The doors closed, but you didn't hear it going back up. They were still waiting for you.

"Well, here goes everything."

Lily sighed. You stepped farther in, and Penny pressed a switch on the wall. The lights came on, and you saw the tank. 

It was made of glass, and inside it was three kids, that looked about your age.


One of the girls screamed. You wondered vaguely if that was Ozzy's girlfriend.

"I don't think that's him, Madison."

Said the boy.

Yup, that's her.

"No! You guys have to get out of here! That blond girl is the one who put us here!"

Said the other girl. The non-girlfriend one. Penny huddled closer to you.

"I-I am sorry. I was not in control of myse-"

She began.

"Why don't we save apologies and explanations for after we've saved everyone, and gotten out of here alive?"

Lily suggested. 

"Lily's right. Don't worry. We can back you up on some of the crazy stuff."

You said, hugging her. 

"How do we get you guys out of there?"

Kid asked.

"I don't know."

Madison said.

"Maybe try pushing one of the buttons on here? See if that-"


You turned slowly, to look up at Penny's mother.

"Penny, what are these children doing unsecured in my secret lab?"

She snarled. 

Is Penny still safe?

You thought, side-eyeing her.

Penny sniffed, and looked up at her mother, tears evident in her eyes.

"I am here to-"

She looked at you, your arm still around her.

"We are here to stop you! You can not do this anymore!"

The Principal sighed theatrically.

"I do not have time for this. Penny, I'm sending all of these children to the principal's office!"

She declared.

Kindergarten 2 x Reader (Highschool AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora