Are you okay?

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Okay so Dranne is fighting with Drannus and Roku comes and helps them. Now onto the oneshot.

Dranne POV
Me and Drannus were having another argument about who get's to be in control. 'It should be me since I'm the one with the plan.' 'No this is my body I will be in control.' While me and Drannus were arguing I didn't notice someone sneak up behind me. "Hey I'm Roku I just got to camp and I need help finding the counselor." I was still having my argument with Drannus until I screamed out on accident. "Leave me alone Drannus." I suddenly heard someone fall down behind me. I turn around and saw a bald man. "Oh I'm sorry here let me help you up." "Thanks, but are you okay?" "No I was arguing with myself." "Oh then you're name must be Drannus then?" "No it's Dranne, Drannus is my other personality." I feel bad for lying to him but I can't tell him about Drannus. "Well my name is Roku and I need to find the camp counselor." "Yes she is in that cabin over there." "Thank you very much." "No problem see you later."

~Couple days later~
Me and Drannus were having another fight. I started to cry since he said he eould hurt my family. We both were in control so my hair was now half purple and half orange. All of a sudden I saw Roku come out of his house. Drannus went back into my head an dmy hair turned full orange. "Hey Dranne are you okay?" "N-No I had another argument with my other personality and I started to cry. Roku went over and hugged me. "It's okay everything is going to be all good." "Thank you so much R9ku you're a big help." "Anything for my friends." I smiled and we started to hang out.

Hopefully you enjoyed and see you in the next one.

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