The great adventures of Lychee and Riccaro pt 2

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Part 2 lets see all the mess they create now. Onto the story.

Riccaro POV
Wants I woke up I immediately smelt bacon and pancakes. The smell was so nice that I stopped cuddling Lychee and went to go eat some food. Wants I got there I saw a note that said 'For Riccaro & Lychee I left to go meet up with Momiji. Please be safe and don't get yourselves hurt. I'll be back in a little bit and you better still be at the house. Love Big bro!' Lychee woke up and read the note too. Lychee got up and got us plates since I was to short to reach up there. After we ate we just sat and watched Adventure Time. I got really bored and started to sign. "Hey Riccaro if you want Davis doesn't have to know that we snuck out and went to a park." That sounded a lot more fun then staying here. "Hey Lychee what's a park?" "Come with me and I will show you." I just followed Lychee. We left the camp and went into the city. Lychee grabbed my hand when crossing the road since apparently it was dangerous. I also stood in the middle of the road looking at the material used and almost got hit as Lychee calls it. I'm lucky to have a middle bro like Lychee. Wants we got a park Lychee took me to the swings. As we sat down on the swings he strted moving back and forth. "Lycheeeee how do you move back and forth?" He just laughed and went behind me and started to push me. He told me to move with my legs so I did. I started going really high until I fell and hit my arm.

Lychee POV
I just got finished pushing Riccaro and he was going really high until he landed and hurt his arm luckily it wasn't broken. We decided to go on the slide next. It was a hot summer day and I was wearing shorts since I couldn't take the heat. How much I regret that. I started to slide down the metal slide. Lets just say it was a pain walking. Riccaro all of a sudden saw a bunny and we started chasing it. Somehow Riccaro caught it. I told him he should keep it so know we got a pet bunny. Riccaro named it bean. After we got back to camp and went back to Davis cabin he was standing outside saw our injuries. He also saw the pet Bunny in Riccaro's hand. "What happened to staying here and being safe." Me and Riccaro looked at eachother and booked it out of there we had an angry Davis after us. But today was a lot of fun.

Part 2 and they left the camp. Has anyone ever gone down metal slides in shorts because I did as a kid. Anyways see you in the next one.

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