Bryan x River

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So I may not ship it but I will still do the request anyways. This oneshot will be where Bryan realizes his love for River and asks him out.

Bryan POV
I was sitting in my mansion just being bored as usual till the thought of River popped into my head. I wonder how the cutie is doing. After I rejected his kiss I've been feeling weird. I wish I didn't reject it maybe I wouldn't have this feeling. Do I maybe like him? Nah that can't be true. Or can it? I looked in the mirror and realize I was blushing. Okay so maybe I do like him. Should I tell him? I probably broke his heart or he moved on. I'll try to find him and straighten things out. I start to head for camp until I saw Xylo. "Hey Xylo do you know where River is?" "River I think is at the asians side of camp." I nodded and started to head over there. Wants I got there I saw River leaving his house. "Hey River!" I said. He looked at me and came over to me. "I thought you didn't like me?" "I dont know all of a sudden I need your embrace I guess ever since I broke up with Jakey I didn't know what I want." River smiled and said, "Hey it's fine I should of waited and not rushed something like that." "Thank you for understanding." "Yes, how about you come in for a cup of tea?" "That actually sounds nice." I went into his house and sat down at his table. He started to make some tea while I looked at his house. It looks so cool. River comes back with the tea and I thank him. "So does that mean you would like to go out?" "Of course it means that River." We both smiled at eachother and slowly leaned in. But author wanted to be rude and is now cutting this part of the story.

Well you didn't get to see them kiss I mean I needed to add a tease somewhere in there. Anyways I hope you enjoyed and see you in the next one.

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