Why do I feel this way

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More Bryan x Jyles oneshot. Anyways onto the oneshot.

Jyles POV
Why do I feel this way. I flirt with everyone. Why is Bryan different. All I can think about is Bryan. Do...I...Like...Bryan? No I can't possibly. Can I? I start to walk around my cabin. Even so he likes River so it shouldn't matter for me. But why does that make my heart hurt. I can't love him. I'm incapable of loving. I just sit down and put my head in between my legs. What do I do? Do I tell Bryan my feelings? Or do I keep them to myself. Maybe I can shut down my feelings. No I can't do that. Why must this be so confusing. I get up and head over to Bryan's cabin. I'm going to tell him how I feel. Then he can turn me down and I can be my normal self. But why does him turning me down make me so upset. Maybe I should just go back. As I was about to keave Bryan came out his cabin. "Hey Jyles! How are you?" I blushed and said, "I'm doing fine. How about you Bryan?" Bryan smiled and said, "I'm doing great since I'm talking to my bestfriend." I just blushd and he invited me in. I guess there's no turning back now. I sit down on his couch while he gets us some snacks. "I'm so glad you came to visit Jyles, I was starting to miss you." I looked over and saw a faint blush on him. "Are you blushing Bryan?" "N-No where did you get that from?" I go up behind him and put my hands around his waist saying in his ear, "Your face is red." This made him blush even more. I laugh and sit back down. Aftrr Bryan calms down he comes and sit next ot me. Ok time for me to shoot my shot. "Hey Bryan. I don't usually feel this way but, when ever I think of you my heart starts to flutter. I realize I love you and that's why I came over today. I hope you can still be my friend if you don't-" I was cut off with Bryan kissing me. "Of course I love you Jyles I always have." I just smiled and we kissed again. I'm glad I came here and told the truth now I can forever be with my love.

Author POV
River was watching all of this and does not look so happy. "Just wait Jyles you'll get what's coming to you."

Ooo River jealous. Anyways see you in the next one.

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