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Davis is going to meet Daveed. Will there be a competition for who gets Lychee's attention. Who knows now onto the oneshot.

Lychee POV
I was talking to Daveed about filling up Byron's mansion with pumpkin spice lattes. Daveed was 100% on board. We got busy making a lot of it. Davis all of a sudden comes up and sees me hanging out with Daveed. "Hey middle bro? Who's this weirdo? Did he abduct you? Stay away from my brother!" Daveed just scoffed and said, "First off my name is Daveed and Lychee is one of my friends son. No I did not abduct him he came to me for help." "Lychee why didn't you come to me I'm better than this piece of trash." "I didn't go to you because we are filling Byron's place with pumpkin spice lattes." "Well I can help." "We do need some more help so come on Davis." "Heck no Davis look I'm trying to spend quality time with Lychee by myself." "Ok but Lychee is my brother and I must make sure he is okay and in safe hands." Daveed just signed and agreed. We all got to work and Daveed and Davis kept throwing slices at eachother. I got so annoyed I was watching where I was cutting and all of a sudden I cut my finger. Davis instantly ran over. "Bro, come here I must treat your infection." Out of no where Davis takes pit a fanny pack filled of bandages, gauze, and other medical supplies. After he disinfected my finger he put a Lychee fruit bandage on it. Those are my favorite bandage so he always uses them for me. "Hey Lychee are you ok? I told you not to cut the pumpkins." I looked over at Daveed and said, "Yea I'm fine." Davis just growled at Daveed.

Davis POV
Who does this dude think he is. He thinks he can just take my brother away heck no. Not on my watch. "Hey Lychee come over here I want to show you something." Lychee came over to me and I show him one of his favorite coffee with his face in it. He smiled and hugged me. I looked over at Daveed and just laughed. After we finish making everything we go and put them around Bryan's house. We had some left over so we just took them back with us. As I was walking in front I failed to notice Daveed whisper something to Lychee.

Daveed POV
"Lychee we are going to pour the rest of these on Davis." Lychee just laughed and nodded. We snuck up behind him and poured it all over him. He got so mad that he went and took Lychee away. That was a fun day but that Davis kid better watch his back who knows what Brandeen would do about it.

Man Davis and Daveed do not like eachother anyways see you in the next one.

Origins of Olympus Oneshots (Season 1 and 2) *completed*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz