Too many beans in one story

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So here is all the beans meeting eachother and what I think it would be like.

Author POV
It was a normal day in Camp Oasis. Riccaro was hoppity skippity over to the cafeteria. Riccaro wanted marshmallows. But Solis was also heading to the cafeteria to get some marshmallow too. Lychee also wanted to get marshmallow. But sadly there were only 1 marshmelloweft since Davis ate all but one to see their reaction. Wants they all made it they went to get the marshmellow until they realized that 1 was left. They looked at each other having a stare off. "I got here first and big bro told me I could have the marshmellows." Riccaro said looking at the other two. Lychee about grabbed the marshmellow till Solis grabbed his hand and said, "Who ever you guys are Inpu said I could have marshmellows if I behaved so I deserve them." Lychee got so mad and screamed, "LET ME GO I WANT THE MARSHMELLOW." It turned into a full blown argument between the three. But during that argument the door locked and they were stuck in their. They all claimed a spot in one of the corners not knowing what to do. Solis was the first to speak and said, "Listen maybe we got off on the wrong foot. So hello I am Solis son of Ra." The tiniest put of them all eyes lighted up he said, "My name is Roccaro and I came from Mercury. My step dad told me it was time to go and then yeeted me down to earth. I met this bald dude and I saw this whole and a hand took me through. Then I met this dude named Xylo who chopped off someone's head. Then a tree yeeted me. And then I followed a dragonfly and a ram yeeted me then I met the son of Horus. Then I left and went on a tree and met my big bro." Lychee just face palmed. While Solis went and glomped the smaller child taking about how adorable he is. Solis and Riccaro looked at Lychee expecting him to say his name. "Im lychee son of Janus." "Hi Lychee I met you with Davis your middle bro." Riccaro said making lychee join the hug. Lychee didn't like it but then he started to hig back until all the beans started to fall asleep. They were woken up by a snake lady with more marshmallow. "Whats are you guys doing here?" They all said, "We wanted marshmallows but there were only one left so we had an argument and the door got locked and we were stuck." The snake lady just looked at them and said here giving each of them 5 marshmallows. They left the cafeteria and said goodbye to each other. All thinking about how they will become the best for friends... or in Lychee's case they will be dumb enough to help with Brandeen's plan. It was now just n-normal well nevermind Riccaro is having a sugar rush from eating 5 marshmallows and now is running around with Davis trying to catch him. Also it looks like Solis is trying to run away from inpu. And Lychee just seems to be planning an evil plan. Maybe it wasn't a normal day to begin with.

I don't know why but i re did this and made it into this. Originally it was just them going to meet but then I wanted Riccaro to have a sugar rush. But also thank you guys so much for this.

Like holy crap I did not expect that! So thank you and remember to leave a comment for what you would like to see next.

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