Big bro to rescue

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This will also be a short one since I don't know what to do with this one. Now onto the oneshot.

Lychee POV
I was walking on the hill until I realized that it was a cliff. As I got to the stop I started to walk down it but didn't feel any of the ground. I looked down and saw that I was in air. After that I started to fall and when I landed I landed on my leg the wrong way. I was screaming out for anyone to help me but no one came. Not until Davis was walking along the shore and saw me. "Hey little bro what's up?" "Well Davis I broke my leg on accident." Davis looked at my leg and picked me up. He took me to his room where he popped my leg back into place. It hurt like a b*tch. "Ow!" "I'm sorry little bro but it needs to happen." I just nodded and he wrapped my leg up. You should probably stay here until your legs get better. I iust nodded and throughout the week Davis stayed with me telling me different stories. All while trying to distract the pain I felt. I wonder what the others would think? Ay who cares Davis is here for me and he's keeping me great company.

Again I didn't know what to do so this is the best my brain came up with. See you in the next oneshot.

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