It's to cold

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The fire boy gets to cold and passes out. Hopefully someone helps him out. Now onto the story

Riccaro POV
I was playing in the snow. Xylo told me all about snow and I really like it. Even though it was really cold I still stayed out there. Xylo told me not to stay out for long but I didn't listen. Wants I got to the river I started to feel weak and all of a sudden I passed out.

Soren POV
I was taking a small walk and enjoying the beautiful sight of all the snow until I saw Riccaro passed out. Realizing his body can't take the cold I ran over and took him to my cabin. I started up the fire place and placed him inside it. I also got up and put a hot rag on him. How the rag didn't catch fire I don't know. After he was his normal body temperature I took him out the fire and placed him on my bed. I go and make some hot coco until I heard a little noise. I look over and see Riccaro waking up. I go over to him and smile. "Hey Riccaro how do you feel?" "I feel f-fine." ACHOO! I heard hik sneeze and I grab a thermometer and checked his template. He is too cold and has caught a hot. (So since Riccaro loves the hot him having the cold wouldn't matter since he would be burning up so now it will be called hot instead of cold.) After I give him the cocoa he smiled and snuggled into my blanket. I was about to get up until he grabbed my hand and dragged me on the bed. I just signed and cuddled him for the night. I ended up waking up to the noise of knocking. I opeb the door and see Xylo. "Hey Soren do you still have Riccaro?" "Yes he has a hot right now and isn't feeling good." "Can I come in and see him?" I said sure. He tries to pick Riccaro up but I growled. "No he will stay there until he gets better." I whispered yelled. Xylo just signed and left. After 3 minutes there's another knock on the door. I open it and see Davis and Lychee. "Can we see Riccaro?" Davis said in a loud voice. Riccaro atarted to stir and I said "No he is sleeping and you're to loud." They signed and just left after that there was another knock. I open it and see Bryan and Momiji. "Can we see-" "Nope" I closed the door on their face before I even let them finish their sentence. I just smiled and looked down at the peaceful Riccaro.

Oof protective bean. No one could even see Riccaro. Anyways see you in the next one.

Origins of Olympus Oneshots (Season 1 and 2) *completed*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora