Coleus x Soren

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So this is continuing from them hanging out. This time they will announce there undying love for eachoter. Now onto the story.

Coleus POV
How does one tell their crush who they been hanging out with that they love them. I tried looking it up but it just won't work out. Maybe I should be straightforward but, Soren is also very shy so maybe I should take it slow. I dont know anymore. I plopped down on my couch in frustration not knowing Cassi came into my cabin. "Hey Coleus. You doing alright?" I looked up at her and said "No I really like Soren but I don't know how to tell him." Cassi just laughed and said "Just be honest with him." I stopped and thought about what she said. I quickly hugged her then ran to go find Soren. I saw Soren by the river. I went over there and sat next to him. "Hey Coleus how are you?" "I'm doing good just wondering how to ask out my crush." I thought I saw a bit of hurt in his eyes but it was gone just like that. "Well if he doesn't accept then he is dumb, stupid, and not worth your time. You are amazing and whoever you end up with will love you. Just don't forget about me if they say yes." I just smiled and said "Can I practice asking them out on you?" He blushed but nodded his head. "I love you with all my heart. I've always have since I met you. I hope you will still be my friend even if you deny me." He smiled and said "Good now go tell your crush." I just laughed and told him "There's a problem I did ask my crush out." He looked confused until he looked up at me surprised. "Why would you like a weakling like me?" "Because you are amazing and such a nice friend." He smiled and looked away blushing saying "I love you to Coleus." I smiled and kissed him which he returned back. Cassi snapped a photo of us. When we saw the light we looked up and saw Cassi. We just smiled at her and she smiled back. Soren laid down on my shoulder and started to fall asleep. I'm glad he is my boyfriend. I stayed there until I ended up falling asleep.

Ugh my heart. This is my second favorite ship my third is Solis x Inpu. Anyways leave your requests and I'll get to them as quick as I can.

Origins of Olympus Oneshots (Season 1 and 2) *completed*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora