Well then...

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Oof how will Davis and Riccaro react to Brandeen will they accept him or hate him? Onto the oneshot.

Lychee POV
I accidentally told my brothers about Brandeen and now they want to meet him. We were on the path to Brandeen's house. I was worried he would get mad at me for bringing along people. "Hey Lychee is your dad nice?" "Actually Davis he is if he likes you so at first he will be mean but if he starts to like you he will be mean." "He's going to like me right middle bro?" I looked down at Riccaro and realized Brandeen might definitely hate him since he is hyperactive. "I bet he will like you Riccaro everyone does." Let's hope I'm right. We make it to Brandeen's house. I open the door and heard Brandeen and Daveed fighting. "Hey Brandeen I have friends who want to meet you." "Lychee no one should know that you are not the kid of Janus." When he said that he just looked at the other two.

Brandeen POV
I cant believe Lychee brought friends. The smallest one came up to me. "Hi I'm Riccaro. I'm from Mercury but my step dad Typhon yeeted me down to earth. Then I met my earth mom and dad. I also met my three brother Lychee, Davis, and Soren. Soren isn't here right now but the other two are." My eyes widened when he said his step-dad was Typhon. Maybe he could be of use. "Hello sir I am Davis Lychee's older brother." I looked at Lychee and he had a face that says go with it. Daveed came out and Riccaro said his whole life story to Daveed. "Hey Riccaro do you like pumpkin spice lattes?" "What's that?" Daveed gasped and took Riccaro into the kitchen. Davis followed along to make sure Riccaro is okay. "Brandeen they weren't supposed to know about you but I let it slip on accident." "It's fine that Riccaro kid might be useful to the plan." "No Brandeen Riccaro isn't apart of this I dont care if he is useful he will stay innocent and sweet." Did Lychee really talked back to me. "You listen here Lychee don't ever talk back to me." "Hey leave middle bro alone I don't want apart of your plan." I looked behind me and see Daveed giving me an evil glare. I looked back at Lychee. "I'm sorry Lychee but be safe okay now how about you and your friends watch a movie with us?" "Okay dad I we will stay for a movie." We looked back and saw Riccaro drinking the disgusting drink. After he finished it instead of watching a movie we all tried to get a sugar rushed Riccaro.

Author POV
Well atleast they all like eachother.

Hope you enjoyed and see you in the next oneshot.

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